Spider-Man Remastered

List of all Turf Wars Missions and Side Missions

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Spider-Man Remastered - Turf Wars Missions and Walkthrough
This is a guide for all the Missions for Turf Wars DLC in Spider-Man Remastered including Side Missions. Read on to learn more about each Mission, its objectives, and how to complete them!

Turf Wars Walkthrough

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Blindsided The Bar With No Name Jury Rigging
Last Stand Season Two Lockup
Yuri's Revenge Bring the Hammer Down Season Finale


Spider-Man Remastered - Clear the Courtyard

Step Objective
Clear the Courtyard

After the cutscene that starts the mission, you'll be given the task of fighting the opposing Thus in the main courtyard.

The mission will only progress once all Thugs have been dealt with – in this fight, you'll encounter an armed Brute, and a variant of the Jetpack enemies who are armed with shields.

The Jetpack enemies can charge you head-on while leaving an electrified field behind. They can be taken care of with a quick punch to their shields before diving between their legs to attack them from behind.
Enter the Sanitarium

When the fight with the Thugs ends, look to the top left corner of the sanitarium to find an opening you can get inside of.

Follow the path from there, until you reach a room full of enemies.
Find the Security Cameras

In the room full of enemies, you have the choice of going at them head on or taking them out with stealth. Regardless, continue following the path until you reach a security booth you can use to find Yuri.

A vent at the top of the corridor will allow you to reach the booth, starting a cutscene and ending the mission.

Blindsided Mission Walkthrough and Guide

The Bar With No Name

Spider-Man Remastered - Climb Into the Vents.png

Step Objective
Climb Into the Vents

Throughout a majority of the mission, you'll be given control of the Spider-Bot, similar to The Heist mission The Trouble with Arson.

In the starting area, make your way down the path/pipe on the left and up to an active vent. With the Spider-Bot, you can short circuit this vent to stop it from moving. Continue following the path until you reach the main area of the bar.
Eavesdrop on the Conversation

There will be four different conversations that you will have to eavesdrop on once you reach the main bar area from the vents above. You can find these conversations by using the Spider-Bot's sensors to highlight the people in conversation.

The first of these conversations will be directly below the vent you are in, with two men talking on the seats below.

You will have to adjust the wavelengths of their voices to get a clear recording – afterward, follow the vent's path until you reach a kitchen.

Remain on the countertop until you reach an opening that will take you to the area behind the bar's counter.
Find the Last Two Conversations

When you reach the ground of the main bar area, head to the furthest corner to the left and hide under the table. The conversation will be based on two men standing nearby.

Afterwards, another conversation will be available on the opposite end from where you eavesdrop on this conversation.

The last conversation you eavesdrop on will cause the men to move to the pool table in the back corner of the bar – follow them, then eavesdrop on that conversation to finish.
Take a Picture of the Map

After eavesdropping, look between the two pinball machines to find a switch you can short circuit – doing so will cause one of the men to open the door you need to get through to continue down the path.

You'll encounter two men soon after – take the path on the right and climb up. From here, you can take a picture of the map, allowing you to progress.
Take a Photo of Where the Dons Are Hiding

Continue following the path until you reach the last two goons who are talking before a small table.

There are switches in the room you'll need to short circuit first – use the Spider-Bot to highlight and disable these switches, then head to the back of the room to find a slope you can climb, giving you access to the table the two men were talking around.

Here, you'll find a file you can take a photo of, ending the mission.

Blindsided Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Jury Rigging

Spider-Man Remastered - Follow the Convoy

Step Objective
Follow the Convoy

After the mission begins, simply follow the convoy as they make their way through the streets.

TIP: Make pinpoint zips towards the lightposts along the street instead of swinging to keep close to the convoy.
Defeat the Thugs

After some time has passed, the convoy will come across a roadblock set up by several Thugs, including one Brute and one Shielded Jetpack enemy.

Defeat them to complete the mission.

Jury Rigging Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Last Stand

Spider-Man Remastered - Clear the Theater

Step Objective
Clear the Theater's Front

The mission will begin immediately, with several Thugs firing at you, once the cutscene ends.

You will have to fight through multiple waves of enemies, with at least each "pod" that comes up from the ground carrying a Shielded Jetpack enemy with them.

TIP: Suit Powers such as Arms Race can help to immobilize multiple enemies at once, including the Jetpack enemies, as well as disable their weapons for a time.
Disable the Bombs

After clearing the courtyard, several enemies will spawn on the two rooftops overlooking the theater's front.

Once you've made the climb to each rooftop, you'll have a limited amount of time to disable the bombs scattered across the rooftop you're on.

Once both rooftops have been cleared of both enemies and the bombs, you'll find a vent that you can climb into, ending the mission once you've reached the end.

Last Stand Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Season Two

Spider-Man Remastered - Interact with the Table

Step Objective
Interact with the Table

Head to the location and interact with the table in front of the "Screwball" artwork.

Season Two Mission Walkthrough and Guide


Spider-Man Remastered - Deal with the Snipers

Step Objective
Deal with the Snipers

After the mission starts, simply follow behind the convoy as they make their way down the streets.

Along the way, the convoy will stop three times due to snipers on the rooftops of several buildings in the way – deal with them, until the convoy is stopped one final time due to Burrowers coming out from the ground, delivering enemies for you to clear out.
Rush to the Mayor's Mansion

After taking care of the enemies harassing the convoy, rush to the Mayor's Mansion (although you'll fight the enemies beneath the mansion in the streets below).

Defeat the groups of enemies there, after which you'll receive your next objective.
Stop the Trucks

Two trucks full of Sable Weapons will depart the area once you take care of the enemies afterwards – chase them both down and stop both trucks.
Rush Back to the Precinct

Finally, after stopping both trucks full of weapons, head back to the precinct at Yuri's request, ending the mission.

Lockup Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Yuri's Revenge

Spider-Man Remastered - Head to the Bar With No Name

Step Objective
Head to the Bar With No Name

At the starting location, enter the bar through the now open door, and make your way to the main Bar Area.

There, you will find the Spider-Bot in the far corner of the Bar, along with a phone receiving a call from "Vinny".
Head to the Hospital

You'll be given your next objective then, which is a hospital several hundred meters away from the Bar.

Once you arrive, use your senses to highlight the areas where the phone signals are coming from – enter the "area" of these spheres/signals and interact with them to see if the signal is coming from Vinny.
Follow Vinny

After finding Vinny, follow him from a distance. He will enter a car that you'll then have to follow to the docks.
Eavesdrop on the Conversations

There are four conversations you'll have to eavesdrop on to complete the mission. You can use your senses to highlight the group of enemies you'll have to eavesdrop on – one of these conversations is on Vinny and his companion, so don't lose them once you arrive at the docks.

Afterwards, turn left to the building at the edge of the docks and enter the vents to eavesdrop on the second conversation.

The third and fourth conversations are further up the docks, both at the dock's edges near the sea. Both of these conversations will be guarded by snipers on top of the cargo containers, so it is a better idea to eavesdrop on them while swimming in the waters.
Eliminate the Enemies

After eavesdropping on all four groups of enemies, simply knock all of them out to end the mission. You have the choice of either taking a stealthy or heads-on approach at this stage.

Yuri's Revenge Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Bring the Hammer Down

Spider-Man Remastered - Keep the Thugs Away From the Cement Mixer

Step Objective
Keep the Thugs Away From the Cement Mixer

After arriving at the starting location for the mission, a short cutscene will play.

You will have to fight off multiple waves of Thugs which include several armed and unarmed Brutes and Shielded Jetpack enemy variants. As much as possible, keep any of them away from the control panel of the cement mixer (a camera icon will pop up if they reach it).

Once the enemies have been defeated, you will then be prompted to web up the back of the cement mixer, which begins a new cutscene and sets your fight against Hammerhead up.
Defeat Hammerhead

Spider-Man will then climb up to the construction site's top floor, where you'll now encounter Hammerhead and several of his goons. Defeat them to finish the mission.

Bring the Hammer Down Mission Walkthrough and Guide

Season Finale

Step Objective
Clear Out the Alley

When you arrive at the Side Mission's location, interact with the table infront of the Screwball logo projection. This will spawn multiple numbers of enemies in the area – defeat them all to finish the mission.

Season Finale Mission Walkthrough and Guide: All Screwball Challenges

List of All Turf Wars Missions

Main Missions

No. Mission
1 Blindsided
2 The Bar With No Name
3 Jury Rigging
4 Last Stand
5 Season Two
6 Lockup
7 Yuri's Revenge
8 Bring the Hammer Down

Side Missions

All Side Missions
Season Finale

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Spider-Man Remastered - Missions Partial.png

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