Spider-Man Remastered

Pursuing the Truth Mission Walkthrough and Guide

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Spider-Man Remastered - Pursuing the Truth Walkthrough and Guide
Pursuing the Truth is a Main Mission in Spider-Man Remastered as part of the game's The Heist DLC. Read on to learn more about the Mission's objectives, how to complete them, and what rewards are available for completing this Mission!

Previous Mission Next Mission
Trail of the Cat Newsflash

Pursuing the Truth Overview

Pursuing the Truth
Mission Type Main Mission
Mission No. 7
DLC The Heist
XP Rewards 1500 XP

Pursuing the Truth Location

Map View World View

Once you receive the call for the next mission, you can head over to the starting location near the southwestern area of the Upper East Side District.

Pursuing the Truth Walkthrough

Chase the Cat

Step Objective
Chase Down Black Cat

After the cutscene, you'll be unable to make complete use of your web shooters – run through the streets and remain as close as you can to Black Cat.

Eventually, you'll reach the subway tunnels where your web shooters will become active once more. Make Pinpoint jumps across the rebars near the ceiling of the tunnels to keep close to the train carrying Black Cat.
Web Her Up

After you make it out of the tunnels, simply swing across the buildings. Whenever you get within between 10-20 meters from Black Cat, you will have the opportunity to shoot webs at her to slow her down, allowing you to perform a zip towards her to end the mission.

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The Heist Main Missions

No. Mission
1 The Maria
2 The Trouble with Arson
3 Long Lost Loot
4 Like Old Times
5 Something is Screwy
6 Trail of the Cat
7 Pursuing the Truth
8 Newsflash
9 Cover for the Cat
10 Follow the Money

The Heist Side Missions

All Side Missions
Like a Fiddle


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