Spider-Man Remastered

The Maria Mission Walkthrough and Guide

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Spider-Man Remastered - The Maria Walkthrough.png
The Maria is a Main Mission in Spider-Man Remastered as part of the game's The Heist DLC. Read on to learn more about the Mission's objectives, how to complete them, and what rewards are available for completing this Mission!

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The Trouble with Arson

The Maria Overview

The Maria
Mission Type Main Mission
Mission No. 1
DLC The Heist
XP Rewards 1500 XP
Suit Unlocks
Resilient Suit Icon Resilient Suit

The Maria Location

Map View World View

The location that you'll need to head to to start this Mission is the Manhattan Museum of Contemporary Art. Going near or above the area by swinging will automatically start the Mission.

The Maria Walkthrough

The Maria Objectives

Find a Way Inside of the Museum

Step Objective
Clear the Area of Thugs

Upon arriving at the scene, a small cutscene will play. You'll be handed control over Spider-Man afterward – clear the area of guards. You can do this by either fighting them head-on or by taking them out silently with stealth.
Climb up to the Sunroof

After dealing with the Thugs, you'll be asked to use your senses to check on the other entrances to the Museum.

Head to the right-most area and past the Parking Lot. With your senses, you'll notice claw marks up the side of the building leading up to the roof.

Climb up and enter the Museum through the circular opening carved into the Sunroof.

Enter the Security Booth

Step Objective
Find the Handprint Parts

After being given control over Spider-Man once again, swing down to the Security Booth – you'll need to recover three parts of the handprint needed to enter it.

From the booth entrance, turn around and walk down the path where you'll find a Phone on the ground. Inspect it and look at its back for the first part.

Turn right from there and climb up the stairs to find a Flashlight for the second print, and then cross the bridge where you can find a Coffee Mug for the final print.
Inspect the Video Feed

With the print in hand, head over to the Security Booth to open it. You'll be required to complete a puzzle – once done, inspect the terminal to bring up a live video feed of The Maria painting.

Defeat the Thugs

Step Objective
Prevent the Thugs From Escaping

A short cutscene will play out, and several Thugs will enter the Museum. You can either take them our stealthily or by attacking them head-on.

After several Thugs have been taken out, several will pick up Museum pieces and try to run out of the main entrance – these Thugs will be marked on your HUD with a sign above their heads. Prevent any of these Thugs from escaping, or else the mission will fail.

Inspect the Maria again to trigger another cutscene.
Clear the Area of Thugs

More Thugs will come after the short cutscene. Defeat them all to trigger the final cutscene of the Mission, which causes it to end.

The Maria Puzzle Solutions

Security Booth

The only puzzle in the Mission occurs just after collecting all Handprint pieces and entering the Security Booth. This puzzle requires you to push the flow of electricity to a perfect five volts from the main battery.

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6 Trail of the Cat
7 Pursuing the Truth
8 Newsflash
9 Cover for the Cat
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