Spider-Man Remastered

Difficulty Level Differences: How to Unlock Ultimate Difficulty

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Spider-Man Remastered - Difficulty Differences
Four base difficulty levels are available to the player from the start in Spider-Man Remastered. Learn more about the differences between each difficulty level, what difficulty is most recommended, and how to unlock the bonus fifth difficulty in the game!

Difficulty Level Differences

Spider-Man Remastered - Difficulty Level Differences

Jump to a Difficulty!
Friendly Neighborhood Friendly Amazing
Spectacular Ultimate

Friendly Neighborhood

The easiest of all difficulties – enemies take longer in between attacks to decide what to do, and their damage output is weak whenever an attack lands. Overall, this provides the player with the most forgiving experience.


Friendly Difficulty is a step up from Friendly Neighborhood in terms of difficulty, although not by much. Enemies can hit harder and wait around less in between attacks, with gun attacks, in particular, coming in faster, although with weaker damage output still.


Considered as the "Normal" difficulty setting, Amazing is the perfect choice for first-time players. Although there isn't a noticeable bump in speed when it comes to enemy attacks and aggression, hits that land on Spider-Man has the potential of knocking off huge chunks of his health at a time, requiring players to be ready to either dodge or swing out of the way of any potential hits.


The "Hard" difficulty setting, Spectacular introduces noticeable spikes in terms of enemy attacks and aggression, as well as bumping up their damage output up several times what it was in Amazing. Players cannot afford to make mistakes in combat, as doing so can lead to extreme loss of health that is difficult to recover from.


The bonus "Ultra Hard" difficulty setting, Ultimate is meant only for players that have truly mastered every mechanic the game has to offer. On top of this, it is only recommended for players who are jumping into a New Game Plus, as the carried-over Spider-Man upgrades will aid the player's survivability.

Unlike Amazing or Spectacular, enemy attacks that land on a fresh, no upgrade version of Spider-Man can easily knock him out in one or two successful hits. Gun attacks, particularly from Snipers, Flying Enemies, and Rocket-armed enemies will ruin the day without pitch-perfect and precise dodging.

Recommended Difficulty

Amazing Difficulty

Spider-Man Remastered - Amazing Difficulty
The Amazing Difficulty setting, being the "Normal" difficulty in Spider-Man Remastered, is the best possible difficulty that players can start with. The difficulty isn't too easy like any of the two Friendly difficulty settings, nor is it too difficult to grasp like Spectacular or Ultimate.

Amazing offers the perfect blend of enemy speed, aggression, damage output, and allows a certain amount of flexibility in a player's movement in the field without being overtly forgiving.

Changing Difficulties

Spider-Man Remastered - Changing Difficulties
If Amazing still feels too easy or hard, players can easily change the difficulty setting to their preferred one under the Game tab of the Settings Menu from the Pause Screen.

How to Unlock Ultimate Difficulty

Complete the Game Once

Spider-Man Remastered - Finish the Game Once
The bonus fifth difficulty, Ultimate, can only be unlocked after completing the game once. Completing the game once also unlocks New Game Plus, which players can also play through on the Ultimate difficulty.

Without completing the game once, only the two Friendly difficulties, Amazing, and Spectacular will be available for a playthrough.

How to Unlock New Game Plus: What Carries Over?

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