Spider-Man Remastered

Is Venom in Spider-Man Remastered?

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Is Venom In Spider-Man Remastered?
No, Venom is not in Spider-Man Remastered. Read on to learn more about Venom and our speculations on why he may appear in the future.

Is Venom in Spider-Man Remastered?

No, Venom is not in the game

While Venom does not appear in the game, a post-credits scene suggests he might already found a host.

Spider-Man Remastered Post-Credits Scene

The following section discusses the end of Spider-Man Remastered and spoilers are to be expected.

The post-credits scene sees Norman visiting Harry (revealed to be in suspended animation) and reassures him that he will find a cure. It isn't mentioned what happened to Harry but it would appear that he came into contact with a symbiote.

While nothing in this scene directly gives hints that Harry will turn into Venom, there are a few things that allow us to speculate that he may turn into him later on.

Harry's Current State

Harry in stasis
In the earlier parts of the game, Peter and MJ are under the impression that that Harry is in Europe but after completing the Step Into My Parlor mission, they learn that was a lie.

The post-credits scene reveals that not only was Harry in his father's lab all this time, but that he has come into contact with a black substance. While it isn't explicitly pointed out, the substance bears a striking resemblance to the symbiote Venom is known to originate from.

Norman's Determination

The Symbiote mirroring Norman
In the post-credits scene, we see Norman's determination to find a cure. There isn't any indication on what happened to Harry but Norman's drive to cure him suggests his condition is causing him harm.
Portrait of Harry and Norman

A portrait of Harry and Norman that covers the keypad to open the secret lab.

The Symbiote that Venom originates from is known to alter the personality of its host, often amplifying their more dark and sinister thoughts. It could be assumed that Harry could feel the symbiote's influence and wanted his father's help to have it removed.

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