
All Wishing Well Locations in LEGO Brick Life

Fortnite - All Wishing Well Locations in LEGO Brick Life
There are two locations where you can find Wishing Wells in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life. See the Wishing Well's locations, and how to do the Wishing Well task here!

Wishing Well Locations in Brick Life

Harmonious Hall

One Wishing Well is located by the Harmonious Hall, directly west of the spawn point.

Mourndale Academy

Another is located by Mourndale Academy, located on the east side of Brick Bay. The Wishing Well is towards the northeast end of the building.

How to Do the Wishing Well Task

Receive the Task From NPCs

Receive Wishing Well Task

Certain NPCs, like Siren, can assign you the Wishing Well task if you speak to them and ask if they need help.

Toss Cash In the Wishing Well

Toss Cash In the Well

Once you have received the task, head to any of the Wishing Wells and make a wish upon it! Completing this task rewards you with 500 Cash.

Additionally, you do not lose any Cash when interacting with the Wishing Wells.

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