
List of All Chapter 6 Kickstart Quests

Fortnite - List of All Chapter 6 Kickstart Quests

Kickstart Quests are challenges given at the start of season to introduce players to new mechanics of Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Check out the full list of available Kickstart Quests in the game!

List of All Kickstart Quests in Chapter 6 Season 1

Objective Amount XP Reward
Perform Wall Scrambles by jumping while running towards a wall 0/5 15,000
Perform Roll Landings by holding the jump button before landing 0/5 15,000
Perform Ledge Jumps by jumping near the edge of a ledge while sprinting 0/5 15,000
Perform Wall Kicks by jumping near walls 0/5 15,000
Use Sprite Shrine to reveal nearby Sprites in different matches 0/3 15,000
Catch different Sprites in a single match 0/3 15,000
Return Sprites to a Sprite Shrine to receive a Boon 0/3 15,000
Search Typhoon Blade Stands or Elemental Chest 0/5 15,000
Damage opponents with Typhoon Blade 0/1000 15,000
Teleport with Void Oni Mask or Hit an opponent with Fire Oni Mask 0/9 15,000

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