
Great Turtle Location and Drops

Fortnite Great Turtle

This is a guide for the Great Turtle's location in Fortnite Chapter 6. Read on to learn where to find the Great Turtle and what the Great Turtle does.

Great Turtle Location

Northwest of Lost Lake

Fortnite Great Turtle Location

The Great Turtle is found northwest of Lost Lake. He's accompanied by Ryuji, who gives you lore on the turtle. To make it easier to identify among the trees, there's also a beam of light shooting upward from its back due to the Sprite Shrine found on top of it.

The Great Turtle is said to be looking for its lost love, so it's possible that the turtle will move locations on the map with upcoming updates.

Great Turtle Effects and Drops

Find Loot on Top

Fortnite Great Turtle Loot

While the Great Turtle itself doesn't do anything nor can you interact with it, you can find loot from normal Chests and an Elemental Chest, as well as potentially Safes, on the top of its shell.

You can also find a Sprite Shrine and a Launch Pad on top of it.

Fortnite Related Guides

Fortnite - Maps
Chapter 6 Interactive Map

All Map Guides

Points of Interest
Nightshift Forest Vault Shogun's Arena
Great Turtle -


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