
No Emote Sign Location

Fortnite - No Emote Sign Location

The no emote sign is located at Foxy Floodgate in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. See where to find the no dancing sign and what happens if you emote there!

No Emote Sign Location

Northwest of Foxy Floodgates

The no emote sign is located on the snowy mountain, northwest of Foxy Floodgates. Specifically, you can find the no dancing sign at the exact location of the Blue Pin icon above.

What Happens if You Emote at the No Dancing Sign?

Launch You Off the Cliff

No Emote Sign Outcome

You will get punished for emoting in front of the no emote zone since the game will launch you off the cliff. This results in you dying or getting knocked down if you're playing with a squad!

Fortnite Related Guides

Fortnite - Maps
Chapter 6 Interactive Map

All Map Guides

Points of Interest
Nightshift Forest Vault Shogun's Arena
Great Turtle Magic Mosses Cave
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