
List of All Chapter 6 Gliders

Fortnite - Gliders

Here is a list of all Fortnite gliders released in Chapter 6. See a full list of all new Fortnite Gliders from the Battle Pass and Item Shop!

List of Cosmetics
Gliders Pickaxes Kicks
Emotes Skins

List of All Fortnite Gliders in Chapter 6

Battle Pass Gliders

All Cosmetics
Cliffside Soarer Kuro Soarer Protector Kaito
Cursed Protector Kaito Nomad's Drifter Mask of Balance
Mask of Gold Baymax Wings Night Rose's Prowl
Puppet's Prowl Racer's Drifter

Item Shop Gliders

There are no new cosmetics for this type.

Fortnite Related Guides

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Fortnite - Sprites Partial Sprites Battle PassBattle Pass
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GlidersGliders KicksKicks
Fortnite - PickaxesPickaxes Fortnite - EmotesEmotes

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