
List of All Chapter 6 Ranked Quests

Fortnite - Ranked Quests

Ranked Quests are seasonal challenges that reward players with cosmetics in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Check out the full list of available Ranked Quests in the game!

List of All Ranked Quests in Chapter 6 Season 1

Repeatable Ranked Quests

Objective Amount XP Reward
Survive Storm Circles in Ranked Matches 5 2,000
Eliminate players in Ranked Matches 3 2,000
Place top 10 in Ranked Matches 2 10,000
Earn Victory Royales in Ranked Matches 1 10,000

These quests reset upon completion and can be done any number of times to reach your goals.

Ranked Quests Bonus Goals

Ranked Bonus Goals

Ranked Battle Royale Bonus Goals

Ranked Bonus Goals require players to complete the repeatable Ranked Quests up to 80 times to receive all of the bonus rewards. There are two different tracks for the Ranked Battle Royale and Ranked Rocket Racing game modes.

Fortnite Related Guides

Fortnite Quests Partial

List of All Chapter 6 Quests

All Quest Types

List of Quest Types
Story Quests Weekly Quests
Kickstart Quests Expertise Quests
Secret Quests Daily Quests
Ranked Quests -


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