
Best Mobility Items in Chapter 6

Fortnite - Best Mobility Items in Chapter 6

This is a list of the best movement and mobility items in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Learn the best items for speed and traversal to help you move across the map effortlessly in this guide!

Best Mobility Items in Chapter 6 Season 1

Void Oni Mask

The Void Oni Mask is a standout mobility item, allowing you to throw a Void Tear and teleport to its location. This makes it essential for repositioning, pushing enemies, or escaping tough situations—just make sure you place a Tear before engaging in battle.

The normal Void Oni Mask (Epic rarity) only has 15 charges, while the Night Rose's Void Oni Mask (Mythic variant) has 50 charges.

How to Get Void Oni Mask

Typhoon Blade

Typhoon Blade.jpg

Other than being a powerful melee weapon, the Typhoon Blade can double as a mobility tool. Its primary mobility option would be enhanced speed while sprinting, but you can also dash forward and up in the air when attacking with the weapon, providing a versatile mix of offense and repositioning.

Where to Find a Typhoon Blade

Shockwave Grenade

Shockwave GrenadeShockwave Grenade

An old favorite from Chapter 1, the Shockwave Grenade remains a reliable choice for mobility. It’s perfect for pushing enemies, displacing them, or making a quick getaway even in build fights. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don’t fix it!

Shogun X Medallion

Shogun X Medallion IconShogun X Medallion

The Shogun X Medallion grants infinite stamina and invisibility while sprinting. However, obtaining it can be challenging, as it is only dropped by Shogun X, a tanky boss who only appears in Storm Circle 4. However, this arguably overpowered Medallion provides a significant advantage in the late game, making it a highly sought-after item.

How to Get Shogun X Medallion

Air Sprites

Air SpriteAir Sprites

While not as game-changing as the other items on this list, Air Sprites can still be quite useful for rotating or escaping the storm. These adorable creatures create an updraft when thrown, allowing you to fly with a glider redeploy.

Whenever you see one floating around, make sure to grab it and throw it down to create your own makeshift launchpad.

List of Sprites

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