
Shogun X Boss Location and How to Beat

Fortnite - How to Beat Shogun X

The Shogun X boss in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 has multiple locations. See Shogun X's locations, how to beat Shogun X, and the Boss Rewards here!

Shogun X Boss Basic Information

Location Rewards
Shogun's Arena (Storm 4)
Random Mythic Weapon (Roaming)
Shogun X Medallion
Mythic Typhoon Blade
Shogun X's Fire Oni Mask
Tips to Beat Shogun X
・Dodge his moveset
・Save your sprint
・Keep your distance

Shogun X Boss Locations

Roaming The Map (Storm 1–3)

Map Icon In-Game Location

Shogun X will initially be roaming the map at a random location until Storm 3.

He will relocate and heal when brought to around ~25% HP, and can be beat multiple times. Defeating Shogun X during this phase will have them drop a random Mythic weapon.

Shogun's Arena (Storm 4)

Map Icon In-Game Location

During Storm 4, the island location will be revealed somewhere inside the safe zone. You can get up to the island by using the Air Sprites below it.

How to Get to Shogun's Arena

How to Beat Shogun X

  1. Learn Shogun X's Moveset
  2. Save Your Sprint
  3. Bring A Lot Of Ammo

Learn Shogun X's Moveset

Shogun X has 4 moves that he repeatedly cycles at random throughout the boss fight. The roaming Shogun X and the one on Shogun's Arena have the same moveset.

The moves have telegraphed animations, so keep an eye on Shogun X and be ready to dodge!

Sword Slash

Shogun X will draw his sword back to charge his dashing sword slash.

Once he starts this animation, be ready to sprint to the side to dodge his strike!

Oni Fireballs

Shogun X will point his hand forward and direct slow homing fireballs towards you.

You can sprint to the side to dodge, or build to block the fireballs.

Fire AoE Blasts

He will rise up with his hand towards the sky, and you will see fire spots on the ground. Avoid the spots on the floor that blast after a few seconds.

This is the best opening to shoot freely at Shogun X, as soon as you are on safe ground.

Void Teleport

Shogun X will use a Void teleport, similar to the Void Oni Mask move.

He does the teleport in between the other moves, often chaining them in combos together.

Save Your Sprint to Dodge

Save your sprint to dodge his attacks, especially his fast sword slash. When dodging, sprint to the side at a sharp angle to have the best odds of dodging his attacks!

Bring A Lot Of Ammo

Shogun X, even the roaming boss, has an enormous healthbar of 4,000 HP. You and your team should ideally have at least 100 Medium Bullets each, and other weapons to account for enemy players.

Shogun X Boss Rewards

All Rewards (Roaming)

Random Mythic Weapon

When the roaming Shogun X reaches 25% HP, he will teleport away and loot will drop from his last spot. One of the Enhanced Mythic variants of the new guns will drop. Included is the new Surgefire SMG, Fury Assault Rifle, and the Sentinel, Twinfire, and Oni shotguns.

List of All Mythics in Chapter 6

All Rewards (Shogun's Arena)

Shogun X Medallion

The Shogun X Medallion allows the user to sprint endlessly, granting a huge mobility advantage for fights and the storm.

When carrying a medallion, your area location will be exposed to all other players in the lobby.

How to Use Shogun X Medallion

Mythic Typhoon Blade

The most powerful Typhoon Blade variant, and pairs perfectly with the Wanderer Medallion for its movement speed boost.

How to Use Mythic Typhoon Blade

Shogun X's Fire Oni Mask

Press Left Click/RB/R2 to launch flame projectiles that home towards opponents. The Shogun X Fire Oni Mask has 16 charges, twice as many as its Rare counterpart.

How to Use Shogun X's Fire Oni Mask

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