
List of All Chapter 6 Daily Quests

Fortnite - Daily Quests

Daily Quests are quick, time-limited challenges that can be completed every day in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Check out the full list of available Daily Quests in the game!

List of All Daily Quests in Chapter 6 Season 1

All Possible Daily Quests

Objective Amount XP Reward
Catch fish at a Fishing Spot 3 1,000
Collect Medium Bullets 100 1,000
Collect Shotgun Shells 25 1,000
Collect weapons or consumables 10 1,000
Complete SHADOW Briefings 1 1,000
Damage bosses 500 1,000
Damage opponents at Whiffy Wharf or Foxy Floodgate 200 1,000
Damage opponents with pistols 500 1,000
Damage opponents within 25 meters 100 1,000
Damage players 500 1,000
Eliminate players with Epic or better weapons 2 1,000
Headshot opponents from 25 meters or less 3 1,000
Purchase an item from a Character 1 1,000
Restore health or gain shields at Whiffy Wharf 100 1,000
Search chests or ammo boxes 5 1,000
Search chests or ammo boxes at BURD 3 1,000
Search chests or ammo boxes at Canyon Crossing 3 1,000
Search containers at Twinkle Terrace or Lost Lake 3 1,000
Survive Storm circles 10 1,000
Travel distance in the air 1000 1,000

Daily Quests Are Different Per Account

Daily Quests differ between accounts so everyone will have different goals to achieve daily. You won't have the same daily quests with your friends so be sure to check them yourself!

Daily Quests Bonus Goals

Completing Your First 3 Daily Quests Grants You 25,000 XP Each

Objective Amount XP Reward
Complete 1 Daily Quest 1 25,000
Complete 2 Daily Quest 2 25,000
Complete 3 Daily Quest 3 25,000

In addition to 1,000 XP, completing a quest rewards you a bonus of 25,000 XP for the first 3 quests you complete each day. Keep in mind that Daily Bonus Goals reset alongside Daily Quests, so be sure to complete them before they refresh!

When Do Daily Quests Reset in Chapter 6 Season 1?

Daily Quests Reset Every Day

Daily Quests, along with Daily Bonus Goals, reset every 24 hours. Make sure to time your quest grind to maximize your XP rewards each day!

Fortnite Related Guides

Fortnite Quests Partial

List of All Chapter 6 Quests

All Quest Types

List of Quest Types
Story Quests Weekly Quests
Kickstart Quests Expertise Quests
Secret Quests Daily Quests
Ranked Quests -


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