
Bushranger Chapter 6 Location

Bushranger is a Character NPC that appears in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Learn more about Bushranger, their services, as well as their location on the map!

Bushranger on the Chapter 6 Map

Bushranger Location

Spawns Randomly Across Nightshift Forest

Bushranger spawns in any of several Tanuki shrine locations across Nightshift Forest.

You can talk to Bushranger while holding a Sprite, after which he will give you the Mythic Vault Key, which opens the Nightshift Forest Vault.

Nightshift Forest Vault Location

Bushranger Services

Services and Costs

Service Cost
Holo Twister Assault Rifle 200 Gold Bars
Shield Potion 50 Gold Bars

Fortnite Related Guides

Fortnite - Characters

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List of Character NPCs
BushrangerBushranger CinderCinder
DaigoDaigo HelsieHelsie
JadeJade KendoKendo
MizukiMizuki NyanjaNyanja
RyujiRyuji Shadow Blade HopeShadow Blade Hope
Vengeance JonesVengeance Jones ViVi


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