
Best Loadout for Chapter 6

Fortnite - Best Loadout for Chapter 6

The right weapon loadout is essential to winning matches in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. Check out this guide to learn about the best loadouts for each game mode and how to create loadouts!

Best Loadout for Chapter 6

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Zero Build Build Mode
Best Medallion Best Boon

Best Loadout for Zero Build

Slot Best Alternative
Medium–Long Range
Night Rose Veiled Precision SMG Icon Night Rose Veiled Precision SMG Holo Twister Assault Rifle Icon Holo Twister Assault Rifle
Close Range
Mythic Typhoon Blade Icon Mythic Typhoon Blade Sentinel Pump Shotgun Icon Sentinel Pump Shotgun
Night RoseNight Rose's Void Oni Mask Shockwave Grenade Icon Shockwave Grenade
Heals /
Chili Chug Splash Icon Chili Chug Splash Hunting Rifle Icon Hunting Rifle
Cover /
Port-a-Bunker Icon Port-a-Bunker Big Bush Bomb Icon Big Bush Bomb

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Best Loadout for Build Mode

Slot Best Alternative
Medium Range AR
Holo Twister Assault Rifle Icon Holo Twister Assault Rifle Fury Assault Rifle Icon Fury Assault Rifle
Enhanced Sentinel Pump Shotgun Icon Enhanced Sentinel Pump Shotgun Sentinel Pump Shotgun Icon Sentinel Pump Shotgun
Night Rose Veiled Precision SMG Icon Night Rose Veiled Precision SMG Surgefire SMG Icon Surgefire SMG
Night RoseNight Rose's Void Oni Mask Shockwave Grenade Icon Shockwave Grenade
Water Sprite Water Sprite Chug Splash Icon Chug Splash

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Best Medallion

Shogun X Medallion

The Shogun X Medallion is the best medallion in Chapter 6 Season 1 so far. It allows you to sprint unlimitedly, giving a huge mobility advantage especially when paired with a Typhoon Blade.

When playing with a squad, be aware of their positions so you won't sprint too far away from them!

How to Get Shogun X Medallion

Best Boon

Water Boon

The Water Boon offers the best general utility for its healing, for solos or with a team. Just one Water Boon is needed to heal the entire team in the water!

List of Boons in Chapter 6

How to Create a Loadout

How to Create a Loudout

  1. Bring Medium to Long-Ranged Gun
  2. Bring a Short-Ranged Weapon
  3. Bring Mobility Items
  4. Bring Heals
  5. Pick Up Boons and Medallions
  6. Bring Port-a-bunkers (Zero Build)

Having a loadout that works for every scenario you can encounter in a Battle Royale match is the key to getting a Victory Royale in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1.

Bring a Medium to Long-Ranged Gun

Most of the time, assault rifles are the best for medium to long-ranged combat. The reason why you always want to bring an assault rifle is that you have an option to pick off enemies from afar if you are trying to third-party players.

Also, there's no point having the high ground in a Fortnite battle royale match if you cannot damage players from a distance.

Bring a Short-Ranged Weapon

With a medium-ranged weapon in your loadout, the next thing you will want to bring is a short-ranged weapon for close combat. Players would typically bring a shotgun since they deal burst damage, allowing you to deal a huge amount of damage to players instantly.

But if you are just starting, then SMGs are also a good option since missing your shots with an SMG will not be as punishing compared to having a bad aim with a shotgun.

Bring Mobility Items

With three slots in your inventory remaining, you will want to bring at least one mobility item so that you can instantly hop out from risky situtations or quickly join a firefight.

For Chapter 6 Season 1, the best mobility item is the Void Oni Mask and its Mythic variant.

Best Mobility Items in Chapter 6

Bring Heals

Heals are an important factor for surviving the game and being ready for the next fight.

Quick healing items like the Water Sprite or Small Shield Potions (Minis) can help get you back in a gunfight while its still happening.

All Healing Items in Chapter 6

Pick Up the Best Boons and Medallions

The best Medallions and Boons can greatly increase your odds of winning fights, as they can offer the edge in fights, or healing utility.

List of Medallions in Chapter 6

Bring Port-A-Bunkers (Zero Build)

Since you can't build your own cover, Port-a-bunkers are highly valuable items in Zero Build. With it you can push or hold down positions using the protection of the Port-a-bunker!

List of All Items and Effects in Chapter 6

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