Solo Leveling Arise

How to Use and Spend Essence Stones

Solo Leveling Arise - How to Use and Spend Essence Stones
Essence Stone is one of the premium currencies in Solo Leveling Arise. Learn the best ways to spend Essence Stones and how to get them in the game!

Best Ways to Spend Essence Stone

Draw on Banners

Solo Leveling Arise - Rate Up Banner
The best way to use Essence Stone is to use it on Draw Banners. The reason is that it will allow you to cover the scarce number of Draw Tickets to get your desired character or weapon for Sung Jinwoo.
All Current and Upcoming Draw Banners

Replenish Keys

Instance Dungeons 2x Instance Dungeon Keys
150 Essence Stones
Encore Missions 2x Encore Mission Keys
150 Essence Stones
Gates x3 Gate Keys
150 Essence Stones

Replenishing Keys will allow you to take on content that will give you Artifacts, Gold, and upgrade materials.

For F2P players, consider doing this only when you get your desired character or weapon on the banner and when you get to the endgame, as you will earn fewer Essence Stones once you reach that point.

How to Get Essence Stones

How to Get Essence Stones

Story and Other Game Modes

Solo Leveling Arise - Complete Story Missions

Game Modes with Essence Stones
Story (Normal and Hard)
・Battlefield of Trials
・Battlefield of Time
・Power of Destruction

Story and other game modes reward Essence Stones for clearing their stages. It is a good way to earn Essence Stones, especially if you're a new player in Solo Leveling Arise.

List of All Game Modes and Walkthroughs

Complete Battle Missions

Solo Leveling Arise - Battle Mission Rewards
Battle Missions for every stage in the game give 15 Essence Stones if you complete them. Battle Missions can be found in different stages and game modes.

Mine A and S Rank Gates

Solo Leveling Arise - S Rank Gate Mining Rewards
A Rank and S Rank gates are the only gates that will give out Essence Stones. Even if the gate is a Dungeon Break, Special Gate, or Red Gate, they must be A or S Rank gates to get Essence Stones after mining.

Gates Guide: How to Get Red Gates and Gate Keys

Do Daily and Weekly Missions

Solo Leveling Arise - Do Daily and Weekly Missions
Daily and Weekly Missions are reliable sources you can count on to get Essence Stones. Those missions will always be there, giving out a consistent number of Essence Stones for you to use.

Complete Chapter Challenges

Solo Leveling Arise - Complete Chapter 1 Challenge
Some tasks in the Chapter Challenges will net you a few Essence Stones. Focusing on completing the Chapter Challenges will also get you some rare rewards, like SR weapons and characters!

Claim Bond Rewards

Solo Leveling Arise - Bond Rewards

Level 20 50 Essence Stones
Level 30 100 Essence Stones
Level 40
(SR Characters Only)
150 Essence Stones

After leveling up your character to a specific level, you will receive a Level Reward from the Bonds menu. You will get Essence Stones on levels 20, 30, and 40 for each SR character, and only levels 30 and 40 for SSR characters.

Advance in the Battle Tier

Solo Leveling Arise - Battle Tier Rewards

Increasing your Battle Tier will reward you with 10,000 Gold and 300 Essence Stones for each tier. You can advance it by upgrading Sung Jinwoo and the other three characters to increase their total power level.

Increase Reputation Level

You can get 100 Essence Stones for each level on your Reputation. You can also get one Rate Up Draw Ticket every time you level up.

You can increase your Reputation Level quickly by doing Daily and Weekly missions.

Complete Achievements

Solo Leveling Arise - Achievement Rewards
Some achievements give out Essence Stones after completing them. You can focus on completing each achievement, or you carry on playing the game and wait for it to finish naturally.

Collect the Shop Daily Bonus

The shop offers 10 free Essence Stones daily. Although it is not as much as other methods listed here, it is still a good way to get a few without doing anything in the game.

Exchange Diamonds

Solo Leveling Arise - Diamond Exchange for Essence Stone
You can also exchange your Diamonds to get Essence Stones if you have some to spare. You can get Diamonds by purchasing packs in the shop using real-world money.

You can exchange 1 Diamond for 1 Essence Stone.

Solo Leveling Arise Related Guides

Solo Leveling Arise - Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks
Reroll Guide Farming Guide: How to Get Gold
Level Up Guide: How to Farm XP How to Use and Spend Essence Stones
Gems Guide Weapon Advancement Guide
Limit Break Weapon Crafting


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