Solo Leveling Arise

Guild System and Multiplayer

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Solo Leveling Arise - Guild System and Multiplayer
There is currently no multiplayer mode in Solo Leveling Arise. Learn if there are any plans for multiplayer and learn of other alternatives such as ranking and guild systems.

Guild System Upcoming

Releasing in July

An upcoming update in July will introduce a guild system.

List of Versions and Updates

Guild System Features

Guild Lobby

Players can create or join guilds, with each guild name required to be unique to prevent duplicates. Upon joining or creating a guild, members gain access to the Guild Lobby, which can be customized with various themes to reflect the guild's character.

Guild Activities

Guilds can enhance their influence by completing missions together, gaining access to an exclusive Guild exchange shop, and participating in a ranking system that highlights collective achievements.

Guild Bosses and Raids

Additionally, future updates will introduce a Guild Boss system where multiple hunters can team up to tackle giant monsters. There are also plans for a guild raid featuring a battle scene between Fachtna and Sung Jinwoo, offering exciting new content for guild members to engage with.

Is there Multiplayer in Solo Leveling Arise?

No Multiplayer

Currently, there are no cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes in Solo Leveling Arise. The closest available features are the global leaderboards, enabling players to compare their scores with others, and the upcoming guild system, where guild members can complete missions together.
So far, there have been no announcements regarding the introduction of a multiplayer mode.

There are Ranking Systems

Accessible at Level 7!

Solo Leveling Arise - Rankings 2
While Solo Leveling: Arise does not include a multiplayer feature, it does offer a ranking system accessible once Sung Jinwoo reaches level 7.

You can access it by clicking the bar graph icon in the upper portion of the screen.

Some Game Modes Have Rankings

Solo Leveling Arise Rankings

Some game modes and events also have leaderboards that have you compete with other players to reach the highest scores or defeat enemies the fastest. They usually provide rewards to the top players.

List of Game Modes With Rankings

Game Ranking Description Rewards
Battlefield of Time Challenge Boss Challenge where rewards depend on how fast you can kill the boss. Gold, Essence Stones
Power of Destruction Boss Challenge where you accumulate points by dealing damage. The higher the damage, the better the rewards. Powder of Blessing, Essence Stones, Mana Power Crystal, Melding Cubes, Various Designs

List of All Game Modes

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