Solo Leveling Arise

Weapon Advancement Guide

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Solo Leveling Arise - Weapon Advancement
Weapon Advancement is a way to strengthen a weapon using another copy of it in Solo Leveling Arise. Learn how to advance a weapon, know what Dimensional Advancement does, and if you should advance a weapon!

How to Advance a Weapon

Get Duplicates of the Weapon

Solo Leveling Arise - Get Weapon Duplicate
You can only advance a weapon if you get a duplicate of it through a challenge or Draw Banners. You can advance a weapon up to ten times, assuming you get 10 extra copies of that weapon.

You will also need Gold each for both basic advancements and Dimensional Advancements.
List of All Weapons

Dimensional Advancement Explained

Obtainable After the Basic Advancements

Solo Leveling Arise - Dimensional Advancement
Dimensional Advancement will become available after the first 5 basic advancements. You can do this up to 5 times, but it will require more Gold than the first 5 basic advancements.

Gives Extra HP, Attack, and Defense

Dimensional Advancement gives extra Attack, HP, and Defense, which applies to all weapon rarities. You can get a max of 15% increase to Attack, HP, and Defense from SSR Weapons, while you can only get a max of 10% for both SR and R Weapons.

Should You Advance a Weapon?

Yes to Increase their Power

Weapon Advancement
You should consider advancing your weapons to increase their overall power. Increasing their power will help you defeat enemies faster, helping you finish the stages quicker.

Some Events' Mission Needs Advancing a Weapon

Weapon Growth Event
Some events, like the Weapon Growth Tournament Event, require you to advance a weapon to get their rewards. You can consider doing it if you want to participate and get all the rewards of those events!
List of All Events

Solo Leveling Arise Related Guides

Solo Leveling Arise - Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks
Reroll Guide Farming Guide: How to Get Gold
Level Up Guide: How to Farm XP How to Use and Spend Essence Stones
Gems Guide Weapon Advancement Guide
Limit Break Weapon Crafting


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