Solo Leveling Arise

Sung Jinwoo

Solo Leveling Arise - Sung Jinwoo

Here is a guide on Sung Jinwoo for Solo Leveling Arise. Learn more about builds, stat point investment, best weapons, skills and runes, as well as best artifacts and blessing stones.

Sung Jinwoo Builds

Sung Jinwoo Best Build

Best Stat Strength
Best Artifacts
Solo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather Set
Hard Leather Set
Best Weapons
Best Skills and Runes Basic Skills:
・Multistrike : Pummel (Light)
・Armor Break : Decimation (Fire)
・Death's Dance : Wildfire (Fire)
・Crushing Blow : Countering Break (Dark)
・The Commander's Touch : Absorption
Ultimate Skill:
Best Blessing Stones
Solo Leveling Arise-  Assassin
Assassin's Proficiency
Solo Leveling Arise-  Weakness Detection
Weakness Detection
Solo Leveling Arise-  Pulverize
Solo Leveling Arise-  Bloodlust

Sung Jinwoo Best Build in Detail

Sung Jinwoo Weapons

Sung Jinwoo Best Weapons

Weapon Summary
Demonic Plum Flower Sword ImageDemonic Plum Flower Sword ・Provides additional Critical Damage that can stack.
・Increases your Critical Hit Rate with Amplifying Draw.
・Boosts your overall attack damage.
Shadow Scythe ImageShadow Scythe ・Increases your Skill damage at the cost of HP.
・Increases your Critical Hit Rate with Edge of Darkness.
・Can heal Sung Jinwoo after unlocking the 3rd Advancement.
The Huntsman ImageThe Huntsman ・Boosts the damage of your Basic Attack, Core Attack, and Skill.
・Can apply Break damage.
・Permanently increases your damage output with Destroy.
ThetisThetis' Grimoire ・Large AOE Skill that can Freeze multiple enemies.
・Has a powerful burst damage at the end of Cold Ice.
・Increases damage against enemies with Water elemantal weakness.

Best Sung Jinwoo Weapons

Get Weapons from Banners

Solo Leveling Arise - Weapons

Sung Jinwoo has a lot of weapons that only he can wield. They can be acquired through pulling on the rate-up banners or custom draw gachas in the game.

Click the ticket icon on the upper right to open the gacha menu and trade your Essence Stones for Draw Tickets which you can use to pull.

Banners Guide

Sung Jinwoo Stat Investment

Customize Sung Jinwoo's Stats

Solo Leveling Arise - Sung Jinwoo Stats

Unlike other characters, players can allocate points to Sung Jinwoo's stats making him a flexible character than can fit any playstyles.

There are five stats that players can invest to:

  • Strength - Attack
  • Vitality - Defense and HP
  • Agility - Critical Hit Rate and Critical Hit Damage
  • Intelligence - Additional MP and Cooldown Reduction
  • Perception - Precision

Best Stats for Sung Jinwoo

Sung Jinwoo Skills and Runes

Best Sung Jinwoo Skills and Runes

Basic Skill

Skill and Rune Description Effect
Multistrike : Pummel (Light) Jinwoo charges forward and unleashes a series of punches at incredible speed. Damage: 340% of Jinwoo's Attack
・Deals Light elemental damage
・Deals weak Break damage
・When the final hit lands, inflicts the [Airborne] effect
・The user gains [Super Armor] while using this skill
・When this skill is used, increases Critical Hit Rate by 3% for 8 second(s)
・When this skill hits, resets cooldown (Cooldown: 20 second(s)).
Cooldown: 10 sec
Cost: 50 MP
Armor Break : Decimation (Fire) Jinwoo gathers an extreme amount of energy of flame in his right fist and delivers a powerful blow. Damage: 900% of Jinwoo's Attack
・Deals Fire elemental damage
・Deals almighty Break damage
・When this skill hits, it inflicts the [Airborne] effect
・When this skill is used, increases Critical Hit damage by 30% for 5 second(s).
Cooldown: 20 sec
Cost: 200 MP
Death's Dance : Wildfire (Fire) Jinwoo moves forward with the energy of the flame and performs a spinning attack. After, he jumps and strikes the ground powerfully. Damage: 426% of Jinwoo's Attack
・Deals Fire elemental damage
・Deals heavy Break damage
・When the final hit lands, [Knocks Down] the target
・The damage increases by 20% when attacking enemies with their elemental weakness.
Cooldown: 15 sec
Cost: 150 MP
Crushing Blow : Countering Break (Dark) Jinwoo is able to counterattack when performing a Crushing Blow. A successful counterattack will inflict great damage to the enemy. Damage: 440% of Jinwoo's Attack
・Deals Dark elemental damage
・Deals weak Break damage
・When the final hit lands, inflicts the [Airborne] effect
・When this skill is used, it applies a [Shield] equal to 20% of Jinwoo's HP for 3 second(s)
・When using this skill, Jinwoo can Counterattack the target's attack
・Deals heavy Break damage and [Stuns] the target upon a successful Counterattack.
Cooldown: 10 sec
Cost: 100 MP
Skill Effect 1: Stun - Immobilizes the target. Duration: 3 second(s)
The Commander's Touch : Absorption After using The Commander's Touch skill, Jinwoo absorbs the enemy's mana. Damage: 650% of Jinwoo's Attack
・When the first hit lands, inflicts the [Airborne] effect
・When the final hit lands, [Knocks Down] the target
・When this skill hits, the user recovers 3% of their MP and 3% of the Power Gauge (activating a maximum of 3 times).
Cooldown: 15 sec
Cost: 150 MP

The skills on this list provide Break and additional Crowd Control effects to constantly apply pressure on the enemies for combos. On top of that, some of these skills can also boost your Critical Hit Damage, which is perfect for your Artifact Set Effect Bonus.

This list also includes the Absorption Rune, allowing Sung Jinwoo to recover MP while performing combos for smoother combat without forcing you to invest skill points in Intelligence.

Ultimate Skill

Ultimate Skill Description Effect
Mutilate Jinwoo quickly slashes in front of himself multiple times while hiding. Damage: 692.42% of Jinwoo's Attack
When the final hit lands, inflicts the Airborne effect.
MP Consumption: 162
Cooldown: 15 sec

Sung Jinwoo Best Skills and Runes

Unlocked by Getting New Classes

Solo Leveling Arise - Sung Jinwoo Skills

One of the things unique to Sung Jinwoo is his ability to change his skills and also apply runes into them which can change the skill's element and add a bonus effect when using that specific skill. New skills can be unlocked after Jinwoo gets new classes as he progresses throughout the story.

Sung Jinwoo Artifacts

Sung Jinwoo Best Artifacts

4-Piece Artifact Set

Set Set Bonus
Solo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather SetSolo Leveling Arise Hard Leather Set
Hard Leather Set
2-piece: The user's Critical Hit Rate increases by 8%.
4-piece: The user's Critical Hit damage increases by 32%.
Solo Leveling Arise Beast SetSolo Leveling Arise Beast SetSolo Leveling Arise Beast SetSolo Leveling Arise Beast Set
Beast Set
2-piece: When landing a Critical Hit, the user has a 25% chance to increase Attack by 0.8% (stacking up to 100 times) (Cooldown: 1 second(s)).
4-piece: Increases Activation Rate to 50% and Attack Increase effect to 1.6%.

8-Piece Artifact Set

Set Set Bonus
Solo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed Set
Solo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed SetSolo Leveling Arise Burning Greed Set
Burning Greed Set
Burning Greed
2-piece: When the user hits a target with an attack that deals Break damage, it applies the Greed effect. Increases the user's Critical Hit Rate by 1% (stacking up to 10 times). Cooldown: 1.5 second(s). Duration: Permanent
4-piece: When Greed effect stacks 10 times, it changes to Enhanced Greed
8-piece: When attacking enemies that have elemental weakness, the Break effect increases by 30%. Enhanced Greed enhances to Burning Greed

Sung Jinwoo Best Artifacts

Get from Encore and Instance Dungeons

Solo Leveling Arise - Artifacts

Similar to other Hunters, Sung Jinwoo can also equip armor and jewelry artifact sets which you can obtain from Encore and Instance Dungeons respectively.

List of All Artifacts

Sung Jinwoo Blessing Stones

Solo Leveling Arise - Blessing Stones

Blessing Stones are items that are exclusive to Sung Jinwoo that grants different benefits depending on what type of Blessing Stone you equip.

Some Blessing Stones can grant you bonus damage depending on the amount of your enemy's HP while others are focused more about survivability.

List of All Blessing Stones

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Solo Leveling Arise

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