Solo Leveling Arise

Instance Dungeon Guide

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Solo Leveling Arise Instance Dungeons

This is a guide for Instance Dungeon, one of the available game modes in Solo Leveling Arise. Read on how to unlock Instance Dungeon, its features, and the rewards available for it.

How to Unlock Instance Dungeon

Complete Chapter 9 of Story Mode

Solo Leveling Arise - Instance Dungeon

Instance Dungeon can be unlocked after completing Chapter 9: The Birth of a New Monarch of Story Mode. The Instance Dungeon is one of the game modes available in Solo Leveling Arise.

Story Mode Walkthrough and List of Chapters

What is Instance Dungeon?

Main Way to Farm Accessory Artifacts

Solo Leveling Arise - Jewelry Artifacts

Instance Dungeon is the main method for players to farm accessory artifacts. Players shouldn't skip playing this game mode, so complete this game mode daily to get accessories.

Dungeon Where You Can Rematch Bosses

Solo Leveling Arise - Instance Dungeon.png

Instance Dungeon is a game mode where you can have a rematch against bosses that you've fought in the story. These bosses are stronger than their story versions and it's recommended to tackle this game mode once you have a good team for an Instance Dungeon and also that players are in the recommended level.

Instance Dungeon Features

Solo Leveling Arise - Instance Dungeon Dungeon Boss

Fight Through 10 Difficulties

Each Instance Dungeon boss has ten difficulties or tiers that you can tackle with harder difficulties giving you better rewards.

Boss Passives and Recommended Attributes

The menu of Instance Dungeon will also show you the boss's passives and the recommended attributes that are effective against the boss that you will be fighting.

Clear Battle Missions to Earn Bonus Rewards

Each Instance Dungeon difficulty also has its own set of Battle Missions that you can complete to get bonus rewards.

How to Enter Instance Dungeons

Enter Using Instance Dungeon Keys

Solo Leveling Arise - Instance Dungeon Keys

You can do an Instance Dungeon by using one Instance Dungeon Key. Instance Dungeon Keys replenish for free every day but you can also buy them on the Exchange Shop using Mana Crystals.

Instance Dungeon Rewards

Accessory Artifacts

Solo Leveling Arise - Steel-fanged Lycan

Instance Dungeons are your main method of getting new accessory artifacts (rings, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces). The higher the tier or the difficulty of the Instance Dungeon is, the higher the rarity of the artifact will drop.

List of All Artifact Sets and Set Bonuses

Other Rewards

Solo Leveling Arise - Other Rewards

Players can also get different types of rewards aside from accessory artifacts like enhancement chips, gold, essence stones, and many others depending on the stage.

Increase Up to 2 Keys to Increase Rewards

You can increase the Instance Dungeons Keys that you can use up to 2 keys in a difficulty to increase the rewards that it will drop.

Note that you can still increase keys after this but you need to buy them with real money.

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Solo Leveling Arise Game Modes

All Game Modes

Solo Leveling Arise Game Modes
Story Mode Gates
Workshop of Brilliant Light Hunter Archive
Instance Dungeon Encore Mission
Battlefield of Trials Battlefield of Time
Battlefield of Chaos Power of Destruction


    Walkthrough Menu

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