Solo Leveling Arise

List of All Blessing Stones

Solo Leveling Arise - Blessing Stones

This is a list of all the Blessing Stones available in Solo Leveling: Arise. Read on to learn about the Blessing Stones, where to get them, how to equip them, their effects, and much more.

List of All Blessing Stones

Empowerment Blessing Stones

Blessing Stones
Empowerment Survival

Empowerment Blessing Stones are Blessing Stones that gives attack boost to Sung Jinwoo. Some can boost support hunters in the party as well.

Blessing Stone Effect
Advanced Dagger Technique ImageAdvanced Dagger Technique Description: Due to your extensive use of daggers, yuou are now more proficient with them.
Effect: When attacking an enemy who has 70% or less of their HP, the damage you deal increases by X%.
AssassinAssassin's Proficiency Description: Your assassin abilities are enhanced.
Effect: Your back attack damage increases by X%.
Bloodlust ImageBloodlust Description: Your powerful bloodlust weakens your enemies' abilities.
Effect: When you are hit, it decreases your attacker's Attack by X% for 6 second(s).
When you attack, it decreases your target's Defense by X% for 6 second(s).
Boss Slayer ImageBoss Slayer Description: You have specialized in Boss Hunting.
Effect: Your damage dealt to Bosses increases by X%, but the cooldown of your Dash increases by X%.
Chains of Blood ImageChains of Blood Description: You will be draped in chains of blood.
Effect: Your Attack damage increases by X% of your lost HP ratio, but also increases your damage taken by the same amount.
Desire ImageDesire Description: Even at your most drained, your desire to reach the top fuels you to push onward.
Effect: If you have X% of your MP or less remaining, your Attack increases by X%.
You will start the battle with your current MP at X%.
If you gain the MP Recovery effect, Desire removes the Attack Increases effect for 10 seconds.
Double-edged Sword ImageDouble-edged Sword Description: As your Attack is enhanced, the danger you face increases as well.
Effect: When your attacks hit, your Attack increases by X% for 10 second(s), but the Attack of the target that was hit also increases by X% (stacking up to 4 times).
Fatal Strike ImageFatal Strike Description: You can quickly take down enemies with a fatal blow.
Effect: Your target's Break Gauge instantly decreases by X% when you land a Critical Hit (Cooldown: 2second(s)).
Intuit ImageIntuit Description: His words helped you release your destiny and the purpose of your powers.
Effect: Your Basic Attack increases by X for every 1 point of Intelligence you have. (Increasing up to a maximum of X).
Mana Rampage ImageMana Rampage Description: You have learned how to gain greater power by channeling a higher volume of mana.
Effect: Your Attack will increase by X%, but your Skill Mana Consumption will also increase by X%.
MonarchMonarch's Domain Description: When you summon a Shadow, Monarch's Domain activates.
Effect: Shadows' Attack within the domain increases by X%.
The Shadow also deals damage equal to 100% of the value of your Attack every second to enemies within the domain.
Duration: 8 seconds
Pulverize ImagePulverize Description: You pulverize your enemies.
Effect: The power of the Break effects you apply to your enemies increase by X%.
The damage you deal to targets adffected by the Break effect increases by X%.
Reawakening ImageReawakening Description: You have completed the Secret Quest: Courage of the Weak.
Effect: Your skill cooldowns will all decrease by X%.
Sharp Perception ImageSharp Perception Description: The instincts you hones as a low-ranking hunter have given you the ability to intuit your opponent's weaknesses.
Effect: Your Critical Hit Rate will increase by X% for 8 second(s) when your attacks hit (stacking up to X times).
Swift Strike ImageSwift Strike Description: Using Extreme Evasion enhances your abilities.
Effect: When you use Extreme Evasion successfully, your damage increases by X% for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Swiftness ImageSwiftness Description: You are able to move incredibly swiftly.
Effect: You can Dash 1 additional time.
There is a X% chance for your Dash cooldown to reset upon dashing.
Title: Conqueror of Adversity ImageTitle: Conqueror of Adversity Description: You have obtained the Title: Conqueror of Adversity.
Effect: Every time your HP decreases by 30%, your Attack, Defense, and HP increase by X% (stacking up to 3 times).
Title: Demon Slayer ImageTitle: Demon Slayer Description: You have obtained the Title: Demon Slayer.
Effect: Your MP increases by X.
Title: Wolf Assassin ImageTitle: Wolf Assassin Description: You have obtained the Title: Wolf Assassin.
Effect: The damage you deal to Normal Monsters increases by X%.
We Are One ImageWe Are One Description: Your abilities are enchanced when there are support hunters who share an element.
Effect: If there are 2 support hunters with the same element on the team, it increases Sung Jinwoo and the support hunters' Attack, Defense, and HP by X%.
If there are 3 support hunters with the same element on the team, the bonus stats doubles.
Weakness Detection ImageWeakness Detection Description: You can see your enemy's weaknesses.
Effect: Your damage dealt to targets that have elemental weakness increases by X%.

Survival Blessing Stones

Blessing Stones
Empowerment Survival

Survival Blessing Stones are Blessing Stones that gives HP or Defense boost to Sung Jinwoo. They can sometimes boost the support hunters in the team.

Blessing Stone Effect
Aggressive Defense ImageAggressive Defense Description: Offense is the best defense.
Effect: When your Basic Attack hits, you gain a Shield equal to X% of your Max HP for 10 seconds (stacks up to 10 times). Cooldown: 1 second
Camouflage ImageCamouflage Description: When you are hit with a large amount of damage, you disappear temporarily.
Effect: When you receive damage equal to 5% or more of your Max HP, you Camaouflage for 3 second(s) and recover X% HP every 1 second(s).
Daily Quest Completion ImageDaily Quest Completion Description: You have completed the Daily Quest. Here is your reward.
Effect: If your HP falls to 1, you become Immortal for 4 second(s).
When the Immortal effect ends, you will recover 2000 HP, plus an additional X% of your maximum HP.
This effect will only activate once during battle.
HP Extraction ImageHP Extraction Description: As the Monarch of Shadows, you can extract HP from your fallen enemies.
Effect: You can recover X% of your HP when defeating an enemy.
KandiaruKandiaru's Blessing Description: The Great Spellcaster Kandiaru has gifted you a special enchancement.
Effect: Your maximum HP increases by X%.
KasakaKasaka's Steel Scales Description: Kasaka's Scale's effects strengthen your body like steel.
Effect: Your damage taken decreases by X%.
Life ImageLife Description: I can't lose my life in a place like this.
Effect: When you enter a stage, you gain a Shield equal to X% of your Max HP for 60 seconds.
Mana Powered Shield ImageMana Powered Shield Description: Shadows can regenerate indefinitely as long as they are supplied with mana.
Effect: You absorb 100% of your damage taken but consume MP equal to 12% of the damage you absorb. If you don't have enough MP left to absorb 100% of the damage, the remaining damage will be taken out of your HP. Cooldown: 10 seconds
Natural Disaster ImageNatural Disaster Description: Magic beasts aren't the only danger lurking in the dungeon.
Effect: In Team Fight mode, team members' damage taken decreases by X%.
Penaly Quest: Survival ImagePenaly Quest: Survival Description: Goal: Survive for the allotted amount of time.
Effect: When you successfully use Extreme Evasion 5 times, your Defense will increases by X%.
Solidify ImageSolidify Description: As time passed, I felt my body becoming stronger.
Effect: Your damage received decreases every 6 seconds (stacking up to X times).
Speed ImageSpeed Description: Running had made your legs stronger.
Effect: Your Speed will increase by X%.
Your Dash cooldown will decrease by X%.
Tenacity ImageTenacity Description: You possess a tenacious spirit.
Effect: The damage you take will decrease by X% when you have 30% or less of your maximum HP.

What Are Blessing Stones?

Equipment With Bonus Effects

What Are Blessing Stones
There are a total of 33 different types of Blessing Stones, each categorized into one of the three rarities (Rare, Heroic, and Legendary) available. The effectiveness of a Blessing Stone's effects varies based on its rarity, with Rare being the least potent and Legendary offering the most powerful effects.

Blessing Stones are items that you can equip on Sung Jinwoo to receive additional buffs, which can help you clear stages in any game mode.

Sung Jinwoo

How to Get Blessing Stones

Obtain Using the Fusion Menu

How to Get Blessing Stones
You can obtain Blessing Stones through Fusion. Using 50 Powder of Blessing allows you to fuse a random Blessing Stone, with a 2% chance of achieving Super Success and obtaining a random Heroic rarity. Please note that this method can only result into a Heroic or Rare Blessing Stones.

Alternatively, by fusing three duplicate Blessing Stones, you can create a Heroic or Legendary Blessing Stone. This method has a higher Success Rate since it requires actual Blessing Stones rather than Powder of Blessing.

How to Equip Blessing Stones

Complete Chapter 12 of Story Mode

How to Equip Blessing Stones
You will unlock the first Blessing Stones equipment slot upon clearing and defeating the boss in Chapter 12 of Story Mode (Normal). There are three additional Blessing Stone slots, each with a level requirement for Sung Jinwoo to unlock, giving you a total of four slots.

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