Alexandria (Disc 1)

This is the Story Walkthrough for Alexandria (Disc 1) from Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on for more information about objectives, and bosses within this section.

- Alexandria Castle

Alexandria Walkthrough

1 Head to the center of the room and light the candle.
Battle Tutorial Boss Fight - Baku
Choice “That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?”
(Optional) Choose “That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?” 64 times to unlock an easter egg.
2 After the cutscene, head to Alexandria Square and interact with the ticket booth.
(Optional) There are girls playing jump rope on the left side of Alexandria Square. Getting consecutive successful jumps will net you some rare cards.
3 Enter the alley to the left.
(Optional) Initiate the conversation with the red haired NPC to learn about cards.
4 Follow Rat Kid to proceed with the story.

Easter Egg – That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, Right?

ruby thats when I kidnap Queen Brahne right?
After selecting this choice 64 times, Ruby will barge into the room and try to talk some sense into you.

Alleyway Jack

FF9 Alleyway jack
A red haired man walks by slowly after you agree to become Rat Kid's slave. Initiate a conversation with him to learn about Tetra Master, the card game of FF9.

Not initiating the conversation and letting him walk near you will cause some of your gil to be stolen, so be careful.

Alexandria - Items and Equipment

Item Quantity Location
Gil x47 Search by the sides of the lamp before lighting it.
Potion x1 Search by the sides of the lamp before lighting it.
Potion x1 Search the left side of the barrel where you fell in Alexandria.
Gil x9 Get Grandma's savings in a residence house, by checking the left side of the bed.
Potion x1 Acquire from under the table in a residence house, next to a ladder.
Fang Card x1 Look for the card in the residence house's drawer.
Lizard Man Card x1 Located at the furthest end of the Palace entrance.
Sahagin Card x1 Located at the furthest end of the Palace entrance.
Potion x1 Located behind the statue in the Main Street.
Zombie Card x1 Upon searching the statue, check the lower left corner of your screen to acquire this card.
Potion x1 Check the left side of the street near the Grandma's residence.
Potion x1 Found in a barrel in the tavern.
Flan Card x1 Check the barrels between tables in the tavern.
Gil x27 Search the lit alcove on the left wall.
Gil x33 Upon exiting the tavern, inspect the green grass.
Goblin Card x1 From the green grass, go left and pick up the Goblin Card.
Gil x38 Enter the item shop and pick it up on the floor.
Ether x1 Find it at the back corner of the Synthesis Shop.
Remedy x1 Pick it up from the hallway going through the Weapons Shop.
Phoenix Pinion x1 Located at the corner of the bridge near the castle entrance.
Gil x3 Search for it in Ilia's House.
Eyedrops x1 Located downstairs at the corner of the stove in Ilia's House.
Potion & Tent x2 Acquire these items from the Chapel next door.
Ironite, Goblin & Fang Cards x3 Ascend the ladder and pull the rope at the Chapel to get Hippaul's cards.
Bomb Card x1 Get if from Tom when you follow him back to his original location.
Goblin, Fang & Skeleton Cards x3 Give the fake ticket to the salesman in exchange for these cards.
Gil x29 Search the bowl located to the far left on the roof going to Alexandria castle.
Gil x63 Found in a residence house next to the chapel.
Gil x92 Search the pot located on the roof going to Alexandria castle.

Alexandria - Shops

Doug's Item Shop (Disc 1)


Item Name Price
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Tent 800 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Potion 50 Gil


This shop sells no weapons.


This shop sells no armor.

Alexandria Boss Fights

Tutorial Boss - Baku

Baku Tutorial Boss
Baku is your tutorial guide on how the battle system works. Make sure to steal some juicy items from him before ending the fight. For more information about Baku, see the link below.

How to Beat Baku

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

FF9 Banner Template (Final).pngGo back to the Main Story Walkthrough Front Page
Disc 1
Alexandria Alexandria Castle Evil Forest
Ice Caverns Village of Dali Lindblum
Qu's Marsh Gizamaluke's Grotto South Gate
Disc 2
Treno Cleyra Alexandria Castle 2nd
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo Black Mage Village
Conde Petie Madain Sari Iifa Tree
Madain Sari 2nd
Disc 3
Alexandria 2nd Treno 2nd Alexandria 3rd
Lindblum 2nd Black Mage Village 2nd Oeilvert
Desert Palace Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug Ipsen's Castle
Terra and Bran Bal Pandemonium
Disc 4


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