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Morbent Fel Duskwood Campaign Guide

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Warcraft Rumble - Morbent Fel Duskwood Campaign Guide

Morbent Fel is the boss for Campaign Map 3-3 of the Duskwood Zone in Warcraft Rumble. Read on to learn how to beat Heroic Morbent Fel, the enemies that spawn along it, rewards for beating it, as well as the map layout and recommended setup for Morbent Fel!

Morbent Fel Overview

Morbent Fel Info

Morbent Fel Information
Warcraft Rumble - Morbent Fel Boss Campaign Guide Morbent Fel
Stage 3-3
Required Onyxia Sigil
12 Warcraft Rumble - Onyxia Sigil Icon
Recommended Deck Level Level 3
Level Description
Protect the Priestiess!

Morbent Fel Special Ability

Boss Tactic Has a 75% damage reduction shielld. Can be broken for 90 seconds by the Priestess.

Morbent Fel Rewards

First Clear Rewards
1 Warcraft Rumble - Onyxia Sigil Icon Onyxia Sigil
30 Warcraft Rumble - Coin Icon Gold
Second Leader

Recommended Minis Setup

Go For a Melee Tank Deck with AoE Minis

Melee Tank Deck Build
Warcraft Rumble - Tirion Fordring Tirion Fordring Warcraft Rumble - Frostwolf Shaman Frostwolf Shaman Warcraft Rumble - Flamewaker Flamewaker Warcraft Rumble - Gryphon Rider Gryphon Rider
Warcraft Rumble - Gnoll Brute Gnoll Brute Warcraft Rumble - Bat Rider Bat Rider Warcraft Rumble - Prowler Prowler

Since you need to protect the Priestess, it is recommended to have a Melee Tank Minis, like Gnoll Brute and Prowler, to soak the damage for the team. It would be great if you could pair your tanks with healers, such as Tirion Fordring or Frostwolf Shaman so that they can sustain fights even longer.

Additionally, you would want ot have some strong AoE Minis like Flamewaker since most of the enemies will be weak to AoE attacks. This lets you clear the waves without any trouble as you push forward.

List of Tank Minis

How to Beat Heroic Morbent Fel

Below are the following guides to help you complete the Heroic Campaign Map of Morbent Fel.

  1. Morbent Fel Is Still Protected by a Shield
  2. Send Reinforment Minis With the Priestess
  3. Take Control of the Enemy Tower

Morbent Fel Is Still Protected by a Shield

Similar to the Normal Campaigh, the Heroic version of Morbent Fel will be surrounded by a sphere of energy that minimizes all the damage inflicted on him. This energy shield will make attacking him much harder for your Minis.

Send Reinforment Minis With the Priestess

The Priestess will be the only person capable of ridding the enegy shield surrounding Morbent Fel, so be sure to send out Minis on the left lane in advance of her arrival towards Morbent Fel.

It is recommended you use Tanks Minis such as Gnoll Brute or Prowler as reinforcement Minis.

Take Control of the Enemy Tower on the Left Lane

Be sure to capture the enemy tower on the left lane to help your Minis close the distance between them and Morbent Fel. The captured tower can also help dish out some hurt on enemy Minis coming your way.

How to Beat Morbent Fel

Below are the following guides to help you complete the Campaign Map of Morbent Fel.

  1. Send Out Minis Ahead of the Priestess
  2. Focus Your Minis on the Left Lane
  3. Overwhelm Morbent When His Shield is Down

Send Out Minis Ahead of the Priestess

The main objective for this boss is to protect the Priestess so that she can disable Morbent Fel's shield. To do this, you need to send out your minis ahead of her so that they will soak up the damage instead of her. If you have difficult timing your summons, try using Fast Minis like Prowler so they can catch up to the Priestess.

List of Fast Minis

Focus Your Minis on the Left Lane

There is a Guard Tower blocking the path on the right lane, which makes it a hassle to pass through. Due to this, it is best to focus most of your Minis on the left lane, especially since there are Ore Veins there too. You can even switch your units to the right lane after they passed the Guard Tower by pressing on the blue arrow.

Although, make sure to have some Flying or Ranged Minis to defend the right lane because Morbent will sometimes send out Flying enemies there.

Overwhelm Morbent When His Shield is Down

Warcraft Rumble - Overwhelm Morbent When His Shield is Down

Once the Priestess reaches Morbent and removes his shield, you can start sending a horde of Minis on the left to overwhelm him because the shield will be down for 90 seconds. He will have a difficult time dealing with you since he cannot clear large groups easily.

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