Warcraft Rumble

PVP Build: Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck

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The General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck is a PvP deck that heavily focuses on using General Drakkisath as the main unit while covering his weaknesses with other minis. Read on for the best leader and minis for this build, deck build traits, and how to play and strategies!

General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck Build Information

General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck Summary

General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck Build
Warcraft Rumble - General Drakkisath General Drakkisath Warcraft Rumble - Whelp Eggs Whelp Eggs Warcraft Rumble - Pyromancer Pyromancer Warcraft Rumble - Frostwolf Shaman Frostwolf Shaman
Warcraft Rumble - Quilboar Quilboar Warcraft Rumble - Dark Iron Miner Dark Iron Miner Warcraft Rumble - Defias Bandits Defias Bandits

This deck has an effortless and simple strategy that involves using General Drakkisath as our all-purpose pushing, sieging, and tanking unit. With his powerful Chromatic Scales talent, General Drakkisath can lower the overall effectiveness of element-based Towers by minimizing their damage.

To cover his weaknesses, we've paired General Drakkisath with low to mid cost minis that we can reliably play and utilize to support him.

Pyromancers and Frostwolf Shamans cover General Drakkisath's weakness to Flying.

Dark Iron Miner and Quilboar are also included in the deck to help take objectives.

Lastly, we'll be using Whelp Eggs to deal with most melee minis, and Defias Bandits to counter most ranged units.

This deck heavily commits on marching down one lane, so defending against decks and players that split push will require quick decisions and map awareness.

General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck Build Roles and Talents

Melee Minis

Mini Traits
Warcraft Rumble - Dark Iron Miner Mini Dark Iron Miner Cycle
Warcraft Rumble - Defias Bandits Mini Defias Bandits Cheap Shot
Warcraft Rumble - Quilboar Mini Quilboar Cycle

Dark Iron Miner's main role is to take gold nodes before the opponent does, but he can also be used as an extra pusher for when General Drakkisath arrives at an objective.

We'll be equipping Dwarven Ambition to help our Dark Iron Miner play both these roles more effectively.

Defias Bandits can effectively kill most single targets like Huntress, Abomination, and Darkspear Troll as these minis will typically die before the initial stun wears off.

Additionally, the Defias Bandits will be used as our primary treasure chest takers since we'll be using Pick Lock as our talent.

Quilboars are included as off-tanks and secondary treasure takers. Alternatively, these can also be used in combination with General Drakkisath to tank tower fire before General Drakkisath enters the tower's range.

Ranged Minis

Mini Traits
Warcraft Rumble - Pyromancer Mini Pyromancer AoE
Warcraft Rumble - Frostwolf Shaman Mini Frostwolf Shaman Elemental

Pyromancers can effectively deal with most Flying units and squads in the game because of her AoE attacks, which covers both of General Drakkisath's biggest weaknesses.

Frostwolf Shaman is included in the deck to heal General Drakkisath, making him nigh unstoppable if she isn't targeted and killed.

We've selected Lightning Mastery for our Frostwolf Shaman to help her act as a pseudo-Pyromancer, affording her some utility vs. Squads.

Flying Minis

Mini Traits
Warcraft Rumble - Whelp Eggs Mini Whelp Eggs Elemental

Whelp Eggs are a great answer to enemy melees since they are cheap and have the Flying trait. Minis like Footmen, Warsong Raiders, and Stonehoof Tauren can all be countered with a set of strategically placed Whelp Eggs.

To amplify the effectiveness of our Whelp Eggs, we've decided to use Flame Burst to deal additional damage. Although Rookery can also be useful against minis like the Darkspear Troll or the Gryphon Rider.

General Drakkisath Elemental Tank Deck Build Talents

Leader Talent

Mini Best Talent
Warcraft Rumble - General Drakkisath General Drakkisath Chromatic Scales Chromatic Scales
Grants nearby allies the Resistant trait.

Chromatic Scales dramatically increases the pressure we can apply since it makes Drakkisath's surrounding allies much more survivable. Spells such as Blizzard and Chain Lightning will do less damage, while attacks from elemental towers like Dragon Towers have a reduced effectiveness.

Melee Talents

Mini Best Talent
Warcraft Rumble - Defias Bandits Defias Bandits Pick Lock Pick Lock
Earn an extra +2 Gold when opening chests
Warcraft Rumble - Quilboar Quilboar Tunnel Vision Tunnel Vision
Deploy much more quickly
Warcraft Rumble - Dark Iron Miner Dark Iron Miner Dwarven Ambition Dwarven Ambition
Gain Fury.

Pick Lock is our cluch talent that can really amplify our economy. This allows us to send out our Drakkisath +1 combo more often.

Dwarven Ambition helps us secure gold nodes fairly quickly, while also making our Iron Miner a more effective fighter overall.

Tunnel Vision allows the Quilboar to be exactky where he needs to be much faster, giving us a mini that could potentially end close PvP matches.

Ranged Talents

Mini Best Talent
Warcraft Rumble - Pyromancer Pyromancer Conflagrate Conflagrate
Splash area is doubled
Warcraft Rumble - Frostwolf Shaman Frostwolf Shaman Lightning Mastery Lightning Mastery
Ranged attack chains to 3 nearby targets.

Both Conflagrate and Lightning Mastery were selected as our ranged talents to deal with Squads. As we are not running any Spells and General Drakkisath is a single-target mini, attacks that deal damage in an AoE cover one of this deck's weaknesses.

Flying Talent

Mini Best Talent

Flame Burst deals a surprisingly good amount of damage. This is especially useful against squads like Footmen, Skeletons, Skeleton Party, and other Squad-type minis.

How to Play General Drakkisath Elemental Tank

Take Resources Immediately

With your starting hand, send out a Dark Iron Miner to the far gold node, a Quilboar to the further chest, Defias Bandits to the closer chest, and Kobolds to the closer gold node.

Opponents will typically be too slow to answer this four-pronged strategy, and you will end up successfully taking a majority of the resources.

Deploy General Drakkisath From the Side Tower

Ideally, you will want to wait and see where your opponent sends his minis before deploying General Drakkisath from your side tower. The less resistance, the better.

Always send him along with either a Pyromancer if there are Squads, or a Frostwolf Shaman if there is a single, hard-to-kill target.

Defend After Deploying General Drakkisath

Prioritise offense over defense. Deploy General Drakkisath + your ranged unit of choice and then look at what you have to defend against. If there are incoming squads, use a Quilboar + Pyromancer.

If there is an incoming single mini, consider using Whelp Eggs or Defias Bandits if needed.

Use Defias Bandits in the Middle As Much As Possible

Defias Bandits can typically reach the chests since they naturally have access to Stealth. Also, successfully having them take chests heavily pushes the odds of winning the match in your favor thanks to Pick Lock.

Deploy Unbound Units Behind Towers

When using Quilboar and Dark Iron Miner offensively, always deploy them behind the towers, and only once the towers are already focused on General Drakkisath for maximum damage output and survivability.

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