How to Play Chocobo Hot and Cold

This is a guide on how to play Chocobo Hot and Cold in Final Fantasy IX (FFIX, FF9). Read on to find out more about the mini-game including its rewards, rules, and techniques that will aid you.

What is Chocobo Hot and Cold?

A Treasure Digging Mini-Game

Chocobo Hot and Cold is a mini-game involving your trusty Chocobo. Your goal is to use your Chocobo to find items and Chocographs to earn points that can be put towards various rewards, some not easily obtainable anywhere else.

How to Play Chocobo Hot and Cold

Follow the Chocobo's Sounds

Using the dig button, you want to search the ground until Choco's reaction indicates a treasure has been found. The greater the reaction, the closer you are to a treasure.

Digging the Treasure

FF9 Treasure Found

Treasure found and the item's depth.

Once a treasure has been discovered, you must dig it up. The depth of the treasure is dependent on the location you are digging in as well as the rarity of the item. To dig up the treasure, mash the square button until your chocobo digs deep enough to obtain the item. Every time Choco's beak hits the ground, the ground will take damage based on Choco's beak level, which will level up as you play. Once you deplete the ground's HP, you will receive the item!

Obtaining Bonus Time

FF9 Time Bonus
After obtaining half of the maximum amount of items, Mene the moogle will give you extra time to dig for more items.

Obtainable Items

There are several items that can be obtained ranging from Potions to Phoenix Pinions. The most important rewards however, are the Chocographs that give great rewards once the treasures shown on the Chocographs are dug up. For more information about the Chocographs locations, see the link below.

Chocographs Side Quest Walkthrough

What Are Chocobo Points?

Can Be Exchanged for Mene's Items

FF9 Mene
Chocobo Points can be exchanged for rare equipments and items. The list of items that can be exchanged from Mene are listed below.

Item Name Points Required
Robe of Lords 10,000
Protect Ring 8,500
Wing Edge 3,500
Viltgance Card 1,800
Ether 450
Ore 250
Phoenix Pinion 150
Gysahl Greens 10

Final Fantasy IX - Related Links

FF9 SQ Banner.pngReturn to the Side Quests Front Page
List of Sidequests and Mini-Games
Jumping Rope Sword Fight Racing Hippaul Frog Catching
Chocobo Hot and Cold Treno Weapons Shop Monsters Stiltzkin Ragtime Mouse
Friendly Monsters Treno Auction House The Nero Family Mognet Central
Daguerro Chocobo Dive Spots Chocobo Mountain Cracks Stellazio Coins
Kupo Nuts Rare Coffee Master Synthesist Chocograph Locations


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