Final Fantasy 8 (FF8) Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

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Welcome to the game8 Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII) Walkthrough Wiki. Guides on the main story, side quests, characters, enemies, boss battles, GFs, items, as well as other tips and information can be found here. Read on if you have a question or need help beating a certain part of this game.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Series
FF7remake-logo.pngFF7 Remake FF7 Rebirth Logo.pngFF7 Rebirth
Crisis Core FF7 Crisis Core: FF7 Reunion
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Final Fantasy VIII - Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

Main Story Chapters

Main Party
Chap. 1:
Balamb Garden
Chap. 2:
Dollet Exam
Chap. 3:
Training Center
Chap. 4:
Chap. 5:
Chap. 6:
Tomb of The Unknown King
Chap. 7:
Deling City
Chap. 8:
D-District Prison
Chap. 9:
Galbadia Missile Base
Chap. 10:
Balamb Garden Rebellion
Chap. 11:
Fisherman's Horizon
Chap. 12:
Balamb Town
Chap. 13:
Trabia Garden
Chap. 14:
Balamb VS Galbadia
Chap. 15:
Chap. 16:
White Seed Ship
Chap. 17:
Great Salt Lake
Chap. 18:
Chap. 19:
Lunar Base
Chap. 20:
Chap. 21:
Lunatic Pandora
Chap. 22:
Ultimecia Castle
Laguna Dream
Laguna Dream 1:
Laguna Dream 2:
Laguna Dream 3:
Laguna Dream 4:
Trabia Canyon
Laguna Dream 5:

Final Fantasy VIII - Boss Battles

Boss Battles

List of FFVIII Bosses

Story Bosses
Ifrit Elvoret X-ATM092
Granaldo Gerogero Seifer (1st)
Edea (1st Time) Biggs and Wedge (2nd) BGH251F2 (1st)
Oilboyle NORG BGH251F2 (2nd)
Raijin Fujin & Raijin (1st) Seifer (2nd)
Seifer & Edea Ruby Dragon Abadon
Propagator Raijin and Fujin (2nd) Mobile Type 8
Seifer (4th) Ultimecia -
Optional Bosses
Diablos Sacred Brothers
Cerberus Odin Tonberry King
Jumbo Cactuar Ultima Weapon Sphinxaur
Tri-Point Krysta Trauma
Red Giant Catoblepas Tiamat
Omega Weapon

Final Fantasy VIII - Beginner Tips & Guides

Beginner Tips & Guides

Game Features

The Junction System Limit Break
Stats Running Away
Drawing Status Abnormalities
Junk Shop Active and Wait ATB

Beginner Guides

FF8 Remastered New Functions How to Strengthen Party Members
How to Get Money SeeD Exam Answers

Final Fantasy VIII - Characters

CharactersSee the List of All Characters Page
Squall LeonhartSquall Leonhart Riona HeartillyRinoa Heartilly
Quistis TrepeQuistis Trepe Zell DinchtZell Dincht
Selphie TilmittSelphie Tilmitt Irvine KinneasIrvine Kinneas
Laguna LoireLaguna Loire Seifer AlmasySeifer Almasy
Kiros icon.pngWard Zabac Ward icon.pngKiros Seagill
Edea icon.pngEdea

Final Fantasy VIII - GFs

GFsGo to the GFs Top Page
Regular GFs
QuezacotlQuezacotl ShivaShiva IfritIfrit
SirenSiren BrothersBrothers DiablosDiablos
CarbuncleCarbuncle LeviathanLeviathan PandemonaPandemona
CerberusCerberus AlexanderAlexander DoomtrainDoomtrain
BahamutBahamut CactuarCactuar TonberryTonberry
EdenEden - -
Non-Junctionable GFs
BokoBoko MiniMogMiniMog Currently UnavailableMoomba
PhoenixPhoenix OdinOdin GilgameshGilgamesh

Final Fantasy VIII - Triple Triad Tips & Guide

List of Cards

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Level 9 Level 10

Triple Triad Rules and How to Play

Explanation of Triple Triad Triple Triad Rules

Final Fantasy VIII - List of Items

List of Item

Recovery Items Attack Items
Support Items Group Items
Ammunition GF Related Items
Blue Magic Key Items
Stat Up Items Magazines
Miscellaneous -

Final Fantasy VIII - List of Magic

Go to the Magic Front Page
Life Magic
Cure Cura Curaga
Regen Life Full-Life
Zombie Death Holy
Fire Magic
Fire Fira Firaga
Ice/Water Magic
Blizzard Blizzara Blizzaga
Thunder/Wind Magic
Thunder Thundara Thundaga
Aero Tornado
Time-Space Magic
Haste Slow Stop
Quake Gravity Double
Status Magic
Bio Break Blind
Silence Berserk Sleep
Confuse Pain Meltdown
Support Magic
Esuna Dispel Protect
Shell Reflect Drain
Forbidden Magic
Meteor Ultima
Unrefinable Magic
Float Scan Apocalypse

Final Fantasy VIII - List of Enemies

Click the link below to see a list of all enemies in this game.
List of FF8 Enemies

All Final Fantasy Walkthroughs

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Series
FF7remake-logo.pngFF7 Remake FF7 Rebirth Logo.pngFF7 Rebirth
Crisis Core FF7 Crisis Core: FF7 Reunion
All Final Fantasy Wikis
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Final Fantasy XVFF15 FFCC.pngFFCC Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin.pngSOP:FFO Final Fantasy XVI FF16

Walkthrough Menu

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