Level 6 Card List - Triple Triad

This is a page on Level 6 Card List - Triple Triad from the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII). Read on if you would like to find out more about Level 6 Card List - Triple Triad.

Triple Triad Level 6 Card List

Card Rank
KrystaKrysta - 7 -
1 - 5
- 8 -
Shumi TribeShumi Tribe - 6 -
4 - 5
- 8 -
OilboyleOilboyle - 1 -
8 - 8
- 4 -
TraumaTrauma - 4 -
6 - 8
- 5 -
AbadonAbadon - 6 -
5 - 8
- 4 -
IguionIguion - 8 -
2 - 2
- 8 -
GerogeroGerogero - 1 -
3 - 8
- 8 -
GranaldoGranaldo - 7 -
5 - 2
- 8 -
X-ATM092X-ATM092 - 4 -
3 - 8
- 7 -
ElvoretElvoret - 7 -
4 - 8
- 3 -
Fujin / RaijinFujin / Raijin - 2 -
4 - 8
- 8 -

Final Fatasy VIII Related Links

Monster Cards
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Boss Cards
Level 6 Level 7
GF Cards
Level 8 Level 9
Character Cards
Level 10


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