How to Beat Ultimecia

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This is a walkthrough for the boss Ultimecia from the game Final Fantasy VIII (FF8, FFVIII). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Ultimecia, including Ultimecia's stats and other useful information.

How to Beat Ultimecia Phase 1

Ultimecia Phase 1 Stats and Information

Ultimecia (1st Form)Ultimecia (1st Form) Lv HP
1 ~ 65 4600 ~ 43000
Exp (Bonus) AP
- -
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ×
Effective Status Attacks

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs


3 Fully Junctioned Characters and 3 useless characters. Meltdown magic, Hero drinks (If the Laguna Card was obtained), Holy War (If Gilgamesh Card was obtained) Aura magic. Item Command, GF command, Magic Command.


Tornado, Maelstrom, Bio, Stop, Quake, Holy, Dispel.


Kill off all party members with no abilities. They will eventually be lost in time and be replaced by a different party member. Once your main party is in the fray, Defeat Ultimecia's first form.

How to Beat Griever

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Greiver Stats and Information

GrieverGriever Lv HP
1 ~ 65
Exp (Bonus) AP
- -
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1.5 1 × 1 2 1 2
Effective Status Attacks

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs


Gravija, Draw, Cast, and Shockwave Pulsar. Remove Magic.


Immediately cast Meltdown and Aura on your physical damage dealers. From here on out, it's a time attack mode. The longer the battle goes on, the more magics Griever can remove from your magic stock (even magics you Junctioned). Do not use GF here as Griever can instantly kill them.

How to Beat Ultimecia Griever Junction

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Ultimecia Griever Junction Stats and Information

Ultimecia (2nd Form)Ultimecia (2nd Form) Lv HP
1 ~ 65
Exp (Bonus) AP
- -
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1 2 × 1 1 3 -1
Effective Status Attacks

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs


Great Attractor, Holy


If Holy Water/ Hero Drinks are available, use them now. Ultimecia/ Griever will start summoning Helixes. When 2 Helix are active in the battle, Ultimecia will start using Great Attractor every turn which deals massive damage to the whole team.

How to Beat Ultimecia Final Form

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Ultimecia Final Form Stats and Information

Ultimecia (Final Form)Ultimecia (Final Form) Lv HP
1 ~ 65
Exp (Bonus) AP
- -
Fire Ice Thunder Earth Poison Wind Water Holy
1 1 1 × 1 1 1 1
Effective Status Attacks

【Numeric Value】= Weakness Ratio,【x】Ineffective,【-】Absorbs


Hell's Judgement, Apocalypse Draw, Apocaypse, Remove magic, Holy, Flare, Ultima.


A preferrable character to have here would be Irvine. Cast Meltdown on Ultimecia and on Ultimecia's Lower part when it appears. Cast Aura on Irvine and use Scatter shots to Damage both parts of Ultimecia. Selphie and her Full-Cure would also be valuable, however, if Selphie is not in your main roster, a Mega-Elixir would work when Ultimecia uses Hell's Judgement as well.

Related Links

List of FFVIII Bosses

Story Bosses
Ifrit Elvoret X-ATM092
Granaldo Gerogero Seifer (1st)
Edea (1st Time) Biggs and Wedge (2nd) BGH251F2 (1st)
Oilboyle NORG BGH251F2 (2nd)
Raijin Fujin & Raijin (1st) Seifer (2nd)
Seifer & Edea Ruby Dragon Abadon
Propagator Raijin and Fujin (2nd) Mobile Type 8
Seifer (4th) Ultimecia -
Optional Bosses
Diablos Sacred Brothers
Cerberus Odin Tonberry King
Jumbo Cactuar Ultima Weapon Sphinxaur
Tri-Point Krysta Trauma
Red Giant Catoblepas Tiamat
Omega Weapon


1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

If you have access to MiniMog, you can bring GF back to life.


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