Epic Seven

How to Equip Exclusive Equipment

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Epic Seven - Exclusive Equipment Banner.png
This article will guide you on How to Equip Exclusive Equipment for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more tips and information all about the Exclusive Equipment in the game.

What is Exclusive Equipment?

Epic Seven -Exclusive Equipment.jpg
There is equipment that is available for select heroes of the game, these are called Exclusive Equipment which greatly boosts a hero stats and skill. Better equip your hero with this equipment if it is available for them.

How to Obtain Exclusive Equipment?

Hall of Trials (Exchange Shop)

One of the ways of obtaining these pieces of Exclusive Equipment is through the Hall of Trials and visiting their Exchange Shop. The currency that is used here is Wisdom's Gaze which can be obtained by completing the Hall of Trials.
Note: Bonus Skill and Stats that can be obtained are random when you buy equipment.

Sanctuary (Alchemist's Steeple)

You can craft your Exclusive Equipment here at the sanctuary for the exchange of other exclusive equipment, but the advantage of crafting is that you can select your desired bonus skill for that equipment and the bonus stat that can be obtained are always MAX bonus.
Note: You can only select your desired bonus skill if the quality grade is EPIC.
10 Exclusive Equipment = Epic Quality Grade

How to Equip Exclusive Equipment

Requirements for Equipping

The only requirement for you to be able to equip the item is that your hero must be a 5★ Awakened Hero, after completing that you can now equip the item.

How to Equip the Exclusive Item

Epic Seven - How to Equip Exclusive Equipment.jpg
You will see another blank slot just beside the Artifact slot tap the blank slot and equip the desired equipment.

Heroes with Exclusive Equipment

Hero Exclusive Equipment
MuiMui A RabbitA Rabbit's Wild Nature
RomannRomann A Treatise on LogicA Treatise on Logic
YufineYufine Azure DragonAzure Dragon's Spirit
Kitty ClarissaKitty Clarissa Bag of Sweet TreatsBag of Sweet Treats
CeciliaCecilia Black Winter SpearBlack Winter Spear
VildredVildred Blade InsigniaBlade Insignia
IlynavIlynav Bloody JewelBloody Jewel
BellonaBellona Citrine TreasureCitrine Treasure
LulucaLuluca Communion LotusCommunion Lotus
Free Spirit TieriaFree Spirit Tieria Crimson EaringsCrimson Earings
LunaLuna Dragon EmeraldDragon Emerald
Wanderer SilkWanderer Silk Dun BlyraiaDun Blyraia's Dark Blessing
AngelicaAngelica Emblem of the Holy Order of the Blue CrossEmblem of the Holy Order of the Blue Cross
TywinTywin EstyriaEstyria
LidicaLidica Eternal RoseEternal Rose
LudwigLudwig Everlasting LapisEverlasting Lapis
RaviRavi Flame of LifeFlame of Life
MortMort Frigid SpiritFrigid Spirit
ArminArmin Golden CatGolden Cat's Treasure
SenyaSenya Grace of MadnessGrace of Madness
KayronKayron Grudge MarbleGrudge Marble
Blaze DingoBlaze Dingo HellfireHellfire
ClarissaClarissa Hidden Nature MaceHidden Nature Mace
CharlesCharles JusticeJustice's Mask
CharlotteCharlotte Little QueenLittle Queen's Guard
MelissaMelissa LordLord's Coffin
CermiaCermia Lucky DiceLucky Dice
KiseKise MoonMoon's Judgement
KawerikKawerik Proof of ChoiceProof of Choice
ChloeChloe Prototype CrownPrototype Crown
Great Chief KhawanaGreat Chief Khawana Purest FlamePurest Flame
SigretSigret QueenQueen's Keepsake
CelineCeline Reingar PSC ArmbandReingar PSC Armband
RinRin RinRin's Sparkling Rings
DestinaDestina RueleRuele's Sad Promise
TenebriaTenebria Shadow King PlushieShadow King Plushie
Shadow RoseShadow Rose Shadow WingShadow Wing
Assassin ColiAssassin Coli Silent DaggersSilent Daggers
Assassin CartujaAssassin Cartuja Silent Green FlashSilent Green Flash
PavelPavel Silver Belt of DeterminationSilver Belt of Determination
Troublemaker CrozetTroublemaker Crozet Silver LionSilver Lion's Protection
YunaYuna Small Drone TunaSmall Drone Tuna
ChouxChoux Snowy Mountain HornSnowy Mountain Horn
LilibetLilibet Soul TailorSoul Tailor
KarinKarin Sword of the Righteous PathSword of the Righteous Path
General PurrgisGeneral Purrgis Tear-Stained BadgeTear-Stained Badge
AlenciaAlencia The Price of InsolenceThe Price of Insolence
VivianVivian True SightTrue Sight
AchatesAchates Untainted HeartUntainted Heart
RoseRose Valkyrie WingValkyrie Wing
Guider AitherGuider Aither Whispered FaithWhispered Faith
SerilaSerila Witch HatWitch Hat

To know more about their bonus stats and skill enhancement. Refer to the link below:
Heroes with Exclusive Equipment

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