Epic Seven

Vivian - Rating and Stats

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This page contains the Rating and Stats for the character Vivian in the game Epic Seven, with detailed information on Vivian's Strengths and Weaknesses, Skills, and more. Read on to find out about our recommended Artifacts for Vivian, and our overall evaluation of Vivian as a character.

Vivian - Rating


Overall Rating 9/10


  • Ultimate can grant increased Attack and Immunity for 3 turns.
  • A good cleave hero due to her second skill which can be activated 3 times.


  • Very low HP stat.

Vivian - Recommended Artifacts

Artifact Reason for Recommendation
Dignus Orb Icon.pngDignus Orb Since Vivain is very easy to kill you might need the barrier to protect her.
EticaEtica's Scepter Has a chance to decrease skill cooldown by 1 turn, especially her ultimate has a long turn cooldown.

Vivian - Stats

Basic Information

Grade ★5 - ★6
Element Earth
Class Mage
Zodiac Sagittarius

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 14603
Atk 989
HP 3950
Spd 111
Def 662
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
15% 150%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Vivian - Skills and Specialty


Vitality DrainVitality Drain
Skill Effect:
Smashes the enemy with a rock, increasing the caster's Combat Readiness by 10%.
Thunder GodThunder God's Cry
Skill Effect:
Attacks all enemies with a thunderstorm. Activates Thunder God's Cry again when an enemy is defeated. Each subsequent Thunder God's Cry activated this way deals decreased damage, and can be activated up to 3 times.
Mana AmplificationMana Amplification
Skill Effect:
Fully amplifies mana, granting immunity to all allies for 3 turns before granting increased Attack (Greater) to the caster for 3 turns while increasing Attack of all allies except for the caster for 3 turns.


Ice Witch's Heart
Ice Witch Reward Bonus: +6%
Dispatch Mission: [Support] Type

Vivian - Awakening

Awaken Main Additional
1 Attack: +3% Attack: +20
Health: +60
2 Critical Hit Chance: +4% Attack: +20
Health: +60
3 Enhance: Vitality Drain Attack: +20
Health: +60
4 Speed: +4 Attack: +30
Health: +80
5 Attack: +6% Attack: +30
Health: +80
6 Critical Hit Chance: +8% Attack: +30
Health: +80

Vivian - Enhancements

Skill Enhancement

Required Materials
Gold.pngGold MolaGora.pngMolaGora MolaGora Go.pngMolaGora Go
ArcherArcher's Vision MercenaryMercenary's Medicine


Required Materials
Life Rune.pngLife Rune Greater Life Rune.pngGreater Life Rune Epic Life Rune.pngEpic Life Rune
Cold Look.pngCold Look MercenaryMercenary's Medicine

Epic Seven Related Links

List of Heroes

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5 Grade5 Grade 4 Grade4 Grade 3 Grade3 Grade
Hero by Element
Fire IconFire Ice IconIce Earth IconEarth
Light IconLight Dark IconDark
Hero by Class
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Soul WeaverSoul Weaver WarriorWarrior MageMage

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1 Anonymousover 4 years

for me this is the best support for one-shot hunt comps. her 3 turn attack buff plus damaging 2nd skill is very helpful in any hunt even one-shot wyvern


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