Epic Seven

What is Pet System

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Pet System.png
This article will guide you on the Pet System for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more tips and information on how to effectively use the Pet System.

What is Pet System

The Pet System is the newly introduced feature of the game. It has the benefit of doing Repeat Battling function where it will allow to repeat a stage continuously at the expense of a Pet Snack.

How to Unlock the Pet System

You can unlock the Pet System when your account reaches Rank 45.

How to Adopt a Pet

Choose One Pet at the Tutorial

Adopt a Pet.png
Upon unlocking the Pet system and starting the tutorial, you will have to choose one among the three pets being previewed. After choosing, the game will assign to you your very first pet.

Pet Adoption Ticket

Pet System
To get more Pets, you need a Pet Adoption Ticket that is available at the Pet Shop. The Pet Shop is located inside the Pet House.

Note: The game also gives the players a free pet summon everyday in the Pet House.

Pet Summon Rates

Summon Rate per Skill Rank

Skill Drop Rate
S Rank Skill 5%
A Rank Skill 10%
B Rank Skill 20%
C Rank Skill 30%
D Rank Skill 35%

Summon Rate per Appearance

Pet Drop Rate
Ordinary Form 99.5%
Special Form 0.5%

Type of Pet

Type Description
Lobby Pet.pngLobby Pets Pet that will regularly gives you random items and other benefits from the lobby area.
Note: Only 1 lobby pet can be assigned
Battle pet.pngBattle Pets Battle Pets will allow you to do repeat battling for certain maps and also additional bonus items when completing a run.
Note: Only 1 Battle Pet can be assigned.

Enhancing and Synthesizing a Pet

How to Enhance

Go to the Pet House and select the pet you're going to Enhance. You can use the Normal Food that is available at the shop or fodder other pets to enhance your Pet's level.

How to Synthesize

Pet Synthesize.jpg
Synthesizing a Pet means upgrading it to a higher generation. It is the same as promoting a hero; in the case of the Pet System, you improve your Pet through a system called Synthesize. You will need 2 Pets of the same Type and Generation with at least 1 Max Level on either of them.

Note: You can add other pets to increase the chance of synthesizing.

Increasing Affinity of Pet


Tapping the Play button can increase the affinity level of your Pet. By using Stigma and Toy as currency, you can also increase its affinity level.

Affinity Level

Affinity Required Generation Relationship Reward
Lv. 1 (0-250) Apprehensive Increase Skill Effect
Lv. 2 (251-500) ★★ Familiar Increase Skill Effect
Lv. 3 (501-750) ★★★ Friendly Increase Skill Effect
Lv. 4 (751-999) ★★★★ Cozy Increase Skill Effect
Lv. 5 (1000) ★★★★ Precious Increase Skill Effect
Heart Decoration

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List of System and Terms


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