Epic Seven

Communion Lotus - Skills and Effects

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This page contains information about Communion Lotus in the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information such as bonus stat, bonus skill effects, and which hero uses the Communion Lotus.

Communion Lotus - Information

Communion Lotus

Name: Communion Lotus
Bonus Stat:
Effectiveness: 8%-16%

Communion Lotus - Bonus Skill Effects

Bonus Skill Effect #1

Wild WaveWild Wave
Bonus Skill Effect:
Increased decrease Defense chance by 15% when using Wild Wave.

Bonus Skill Effect #2

Wild WaveWild Wave
Bonus Skill Effect:
Has a 35% chance to grant an extra attack with the same skill when using Wild Wave. Extra attack can only be granted once per turn of the caster.

Bonus Skill Effect #3

Wave of VengeanceWave of Vengeance
Bonus Skill Effect:
Has a 75% chance to decrease Attack of all enemies for 2 turns when using Wave of Vengeance.

Hero Who Uses Communion Lotus

LulucaLuluca Rating 8.5/10
・Grants increased Defense and Barrier to all allies.
・First and ultimate skill can inflict defense break to enemies.

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