Epic Seven

Best Place to Farm EXP

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In this article, we teach players to where are the best places to farm EXP for their units in the game Epic Seven.

Best EXP Farm Locations

Crack In the World

Crack in the World.png
The Crack In the World Stages in Chapters 3S, 5S, and 8S give out the most EXP per energy spent. These Stages are special stages in the game which can only be run 3 times each day.

Chapter Energy Cost EXP
3S (Adventure) 40 16,000~
5S (Adventure) 40 20,000~
8S (Adventure) 40 28,000~
3S (Unrecorded History) 40 32,000~
5S (Unrecorded History) 40 36,000~
8S (Unrecorded History) 40 36,000~

These results were gained by running 2 MAX units with 2 Fodder units with a 20% EXP Bonus from Buffs and Artifacts.

NOTE: Running the Crack In the World is very expensive for the player's Energy. Most players only run this when trying to burn through a lot of Energy in a short amount of time.

Side Stories

Side Stories are another way of farming EXP in the game. Doing Side Story stages in Normal difficulty with reward the player with the highest EXP per energy spent among all the difficulties in SIde Stories. Do this allows the player to farm EXP while simultaneously farming Event Currency for the Exchange Shop.



Stage 11 Hunts also reward a lot of EXP as long as the player is able to make 3-man teams that are able to finish Stage 11 Hunts. This is another way for players to farm EXP while gaining materials and drops to improve their gears.
List of Hunt Walkthrough

Unrecorded History

Epic Seven Unrecorded History
These stages can also be used by the player if they need the catalysts that drop from that stage and if the Catalysts are available in the AP Exchange Shop.
For more information about Unrecorded History, see the link below:
What is World Difficulty

Related Links

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How to Specialty Change How to Promote Heores
Heroes with Exclusive Equipment How to Use Monsters and Phantasma
How to do Memory Imprint How to Awaken Hero
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How to Get Phantasma How to get Breath of Orbis
How to Get Moonlight Summon Best Place to Farm Catalyst
How to Get Transmit Stone Where to Get Small Sun Badge
How to Farm Equipment How to Enhance Items


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What to do at Early Stage Selective Summon Guide
Improving the Sanctuary What to Upgrade in Sanctuary
Best Use of Penguins

Beginner's Tips & Guides


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