Epic Seven

How to Strengthen Heroes

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This article will guide you on how to strengthen your heroes for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information on making your hero stronger to dominate every content of the game.

Benefits of Strengthening Heroes

Hero Strengthening.jpg
Strenghtening a hero is one of this game's important part, where you can duke it out in the arena or complete other contents such as: (Eg. Abyss, Hell Raid) in order to complete these contents you first need to strengthen your hero. There are different areas on how to strengthen your hero, read more on how to strenghten your hero on every different areas.

How to Strengthen Heroes

Hero Enhancing or Leveling

The main area you should focus on strengthenin your hero is leveling them up to the MAX level, Heroes can gain upgrade on their base stats as they level up throughout the game.
For more information on Hero Enhancing or Leveling, see the link below:
How to Level Up Hero

Hero Awakening

Gain additional bonus stat for your hero by awakening your hero. This awakening is available every (Lv. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, & 60) of the hero level, it also provides additional Hero skill enhancement for every 3rd awakening of the hero.
For more information about Hero Awakening, see the link below:
Hero Awakening

Skill Ehancement

Skill Enhance.png
Strengthening your Hero skills is also one of the areas that you must consider, enhancing skills gives you additional damage, effect chance, and less cooldown to make your hero more effective in the battle.
For more information about Skill Enhance and how to enhance skills. Please see the link below:
Skill Enhancement

Hero Equipment

This is where every player will have to compete for each of themselves. equipping the best gears for your hero can give you advantage against other players. You are going to grind for farming your best gear to compete with others.
For more information on farming gears, refer to the link below:
How to Farm Equipment

Memory Imprint

Memory Imprint.png
This area is available when you have duplicates of the same hero that you are strengthening, Memory Imprint Release gives a bonus stats that can benefit the team or Imprint Concentration that can benefit the hero with Memory Imprint.
For more information about Memory Imprint, see the link below:
How to do Memory Imprint

Hero Specialty Change (Available for some 3★ Heroes)

Specialty Change.png
There are 3★Heroes that can undergo Specialty Change for them to become stronger, enabling them to compete against higher rate heroes.
For more information about Hero Specialty Change, refer to the link below:
How to do Hero Specialty Change

Related Links


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