Epic Seven

What is Phantasma

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This article will guide you on what is Phantasma for the game Epic Seven. Read on for more information that you can learn about Phantasmas and their uses.

What is Phantasma

Phantasma are unique mosnters that is mainly used for promoting heroes. There are three different type of Phantasmas these are:

Mega-Phantasma Mega Phantasma.png
Giga-Phantasma Giga Phantasma.png
Tera-Phantasma Tera Phantasma.png

Uses of Phantasma

Phantasma are mainly used for Hero promotion but these monster can also be used for Hero Transmission and sometimes EXP fodder. These are the only use of Phantasma.
For more information on how to use phantasmas, see the link below:
How to Use Phantasma

How to Obtain Phantasma

Mega and Giga Phantasma are really not that hard to obtain, you can the Mega Phantasma from the Forest of Souls daily while the Giga Phantasma are available weekly. Tera-Phantasma on the other hand is very hard to obtain, you can buy it from the Guild shop once a month. Be sure to always stock up on these phantasma and buy them as much as possible.

For more information on how to obtain Phantasmas, please see the link below:
How to Obtain Phantasma

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