Epic Seven

Reroll Tier List

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Reroll Tier List.png
This page contains our ranking for characters (Heroes) acquired by rerolling in the game Epic Seven. Read on for information on how to time your rerolls correctly to get the best characters (Heroes).

How to Reroll Fast

Best Heroes Tier List Reroll Tier List

Reroll Tier List

Selective Summon

You can unlock the Selective Summon after finishing Adventure Stage Chapter: 1-10 Sanctuary Gate Underground. You will have a 30 chances of summoning a good set of heroes be sure to pick the right hero for your journey. See the table below for heroes to watch out for:

S Rank

Name Reason
Vildred.pngVildred Prioritize getting this hero. Because he can farm easily for you and and carry you through the adventure.
Sez.pngSez If you did not roll Vildred, this hero is also an alternative on farming.
Angelica.pngAngelica One of the best Soul Weaver in the game it can also take on the role of a Tank.
Clarissa.pngClarissa Another farming hero that you can get if you didn't get the others.

A Rank

Name Reason
Destina.pngDestina An alternative if you did not get Angelica, also a good support hero and has a high Defense stats.
Achates.pngAchates Also a good support hero that can cleanse debuffs and provide healing to allies.
Ravi.pngRavi A good damage hero that can sustain herself in the battlefield.
Ken.pngKen Damage dealing hero that can also do defense break. Can also be used on PvP mode later on the game.

Tips on Selective Summoning

Prioritize Hero for farming and clearing the Story mode

Getting heroes that is good farmig is the most important hero that you need to look out for, but if by unlucky chance you didn't get them you can always count on Ras and Mercedes they are also a good heroes that can clear adventure mode.

For the Support role Aither can be a good alternative if you did not get Angelica or the other support heroes.

Do not mind heroes for PvP

If you got heroes that is good for PvP you better skip that one, you should prioritize first farming heroes. The very ideal for this game is that you're gonna have to keep grinding for good equipment.

Related Links

Tier List Final.pngTier List Reroll Tier List Final.pngReroll Tier List Artifact Tier List Front Page Partial.pngArtifact Tier List
Heroes Final.pngHeroes Artifacts.pngArtifacts Monsters.pngMonsters
Exclusive Equipment.pngExclusive Equipments Systems and Terms Final.pngSystems & Terms Materials.pngMaterials
Game Walkthroughs Final.pngGame Walkthroughs Beginner Guide Final.pngBeginner Guide Events Final.pngEvents

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11 Axisabout 3 years

This is tier list is super outdated, Sigret is the only #1 choice now There is no point in Vildred or another dogwalker since you get Arbiter for free now

10 Anonymousover 3 years

I got martial artist Ken from normal covenant summon.


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