Armored Core 6

How to Beat Balteus (Boss)

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This is a guide on how to defeat Balteus in Armored Core 6 (AC6) and recommended assemblies. We've included strategies and a walkthrough video for Balteus, so if you find it too challenging and can't win, please take a look.

How to Beat Balteus

Remember: You Can Always Change Your Build From the Retry Screen


If a certain build isn't working out for you, you can always change it through the ASSEMBLY button on the retry screen. If you're facing Balteus for the first time, we recommend equipping weapons that will get you through the Attack the Watchpoint mission first, then changing your build once you are defeated.

Recommended Build for Those Not Good at Dodging

Right Hand
2.jpgDF-BA-06 XUAN-GE
Left Hand
2.jpgDF-BA-06 XUAN-GE
Right Shoulder
Left Shoulder
Frame Parts
2.jpgHC-2000 FINDER EYE
2.jpgCC-2000 ORBITER
2.jpgAC-2000 TOOL ARM
Inner Parts
Booster -

Use Treads For Your AC Build

For those who struggle to avoid Balteus's attacks, it's recommended to use tank leg parts. Tanks have high values for AP (your mech's health) and posture stability (the ability to resist Staggered status), allowing you to survive longer even when taking hits.

Furthermore, tanks can fire heavy weapons without stopping during the firing sequence, and they significantly increase your carrying capacity. This makes them compatible with the high-damage weapons mentioned below.

Recommended Weapons: Bazookas and Dual Laser Cannons

DF-BA-06 XUAN-GE Bazooka VP-60LCS Laser Cannons

Use a bazooka as your handheld weapon and laser cannons as your shoulder weapons. Neither of them has a special effect against Pulse Armor, but they deal high damage, allowing you to strip the armor quickly.

Additionally, Balteus can charge the ACS Gauge (a yellow gauge that allows for a brief down state when full) quickly, and after stripping the Pulse Armor, you can deal significant damage with high firepower and ACS reduction.

While the laser cannon can be used for charged shots, it's often better to fire without charging.

Recommended Build for Those Who Are Good at Dodging

Right Hand
2.jpgHI-16: GU-Q1
Left Hand
2.jpgHI-32: BU-TT/A
Right Shoulder
2.jpgDF-BA-06 XUAN-GE
Left Shoulder
Frame Parts
2.jpgHC-2000 FINDER EYE
2.jpgCC-2000 ORBITER
2.jpgAC-2000 TOOL ARM
Inner Parts

Recommended Weapons For Stripping Balteus' Pulse Armor

Pulse Gun (Right Hand)

Since Balteus deploys Pulse Armor, you can't damage the enemy's health until you remove the armor. Pulse guns available in shops are more efficient at stripping Pulse Armor than other weapons, making them the top choice.

Melee Weapon (Left Hand)

Blades in your left hand are also efficient at stripping the enemy's Pulse Armor. Both the initial equipment and those available in the shop are good choices.

Get the Weapon Bays OS Upgrade

The 'Weapon Bays' upgrade that you can obtain through OS tuning allows you to equip handheld weapons instead of shoulder weapons, enabling you to switch to a total of four weapons during battle. The Pulse Gun you'll use to strip Balteus' Pulse Armor is weak against its actual armor, so it's better to switch it out with a weapon with high Impact damage like a bazooka.

Use Boosters With High Assault Boost (AB) Thrust

During the Balteus battle, make heavy use of the Assault Boost available via the L3 button.

Use a Generator With Good EN-Related Stats

When it comes to generators, opt for ones with good EN-related stats. As mentioned earlier, you'll be using Assault Boost frequently, so a high-performance generator is essential.

Stat Effect
EN Capacity A higher value allows for more actions that consume EN. Total number of EN gauges.
EN Supply Efficiency A higher value increases the rate of EN recovery.
EN Recharge Delay A lower value reduces the time between consuming EN and its recovery.

Balteus Boss Strategy

Use Target Assist To Keep Track of the Enemy

If you get a Soft Lock on the boss and press R3, you will trigger Hard Lock or Target Assist. This makes combat easier because there is no need to follow the enemy with the camera controls. However, if the enemy goes off-screen with the camera, the lock-on will be temporarily disengaged, so be sure to not fiddle with the camera controls too much during combat.

Get Close To Balteus With Assault Boost

When you get up close to Balteus, it mostly stops keeping its distance and shifts its focus to using missile attacks.

In addition to this, since Balteus often attacks while moving, getting up close can make it difficult for it to accurately track you.

Close In on Balteus When It Fires Off Its Missiles

Once Balteus moves further away, it often launches missiles. Since there's a delay between its preparation to fire the missiles and the actual firing, use this opportunity to get close using Assault Boost and attack.

Note that after a blade attack, you'll often have difficulty avoiding missiles, so if Balteus uses missiles after moving away, try to evade them before attacking.

Be Careful of Balteus' Shotgun

When you're close to Balteus, it may use its left-hand shotgun. Due to the number of bullets and the weapon's accuracy, you'll almost certainly take heavy damage when hit. So don't approach Balteus halfway; get very close to him quickly. If you're too close, Balteus won't be able to use its shotgun too much. Even when the shotgun gets used, you can quickly move out of its range to the side or above.

Balteus' Missiles Spread Out Before Hitting Their Target

Use Assault Boosting To Dodge The First Missiles, then Quick Boost

Balteus's missile attacks all spread out before getting to you. Memorize the timing of when these missiles hit. Balteus always uses a missile attack that launches in all directions at the beginning of the battle, so you can practice right away if you retry.

For opening missiles, you can evade them more easily by using Assault Boost to land right in front of Balteus, circling to the rear, before using Quick Boost forwards and backward.

Use Lateral Quick Boosting to Dodge High-Velocity Attacks

Balteus has a high-speed cannon that will trigger an alert. Getting hit by this cannon causes a lot of damage, so make sure to Quick Boost to the side when you hear the alert sound.

Also, note that this attack has a considerably wide aiming range in both vertical and horizontal directions, so be cautious even if you're positioned directly above or below Balteus. While it may be challenging to dodge at first, train yourself to press the Quick Boost button whenever the alert goes off so you can have an easier time in this fight.

Balteus’ Patterns Change When Its HP Hits 50%

Get Ready To Dodge Balteus' Assault Armor Attack

When Balteus's HP drops to around 50%, it will redeploy its Pulse Armor and attack the area around its vicinity.

Balteus Also Gains a Flamethrower Attack

After Balteus changes its pattern, it will gain an attack attack where it sweeps its surroundings with a flamethrower. Since it uses this attack while moving, it's difficult to evade at close range.

To avoid it, position yourself directly above or below Balteus, or quickly move to the side. This is much safer than maintaining distance. If you find yourself far away from Balteus, use Quick Boost after ascending and landing to evade the attack and stay out of its range. Three-dimensional mobility is key to avoiding this attack.

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