Menu Abilities

This page lists all the Menu Abilities from the game Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (FFVIII, FF8). These abilities provide several options the player can use in the game.

Menu Abilities

Ability Name Effect
Haggle Receive discounts from shops.
Sell-High Sell items higher at shops.
Familiar Makes it easier to buy rare items.
Call Shop Allows you to call shops from the menu screen.
Junk Shop Calls a junk shop from the menu screen.
T Mag-RF Refines Lightning/Wind Magic from an item
I Mag-RF Refines Water/Ice Magic from an item.
F Mag-RF Refines Fire Magic from an item.
L Mag-RF Refinse Life/Recovery Magic from an item.
Time Mag-RF Refines Time/Space Magic from an item.
ST Mag-RF Refine status Magic from an item.
Supt Mag-RF Refines Support Magic from an item.
Forbid Mag-RF Refines Forbidden Magic from an item.
Recov Med-RF Refines Recovery Medicine from an item.
ST Med-RF Refined status Recovery Medicine from an item.
Ammo-RF Refines Ammunition from an item.
Tool-RF Refines Tools from an item.
Forbid Med-RF Refines Forbidden Medicine from an item.
GFRecov Med-RF Refines Recovery Medicine for GF from an item.
GFAbl Med-RF Refines ability learning medicine for GF from items.
Mid Mag-RF Refines Mid-Level Magic from other Magic.
High Mag-RF Refines High-Level Magic from other Magic.
Med LV Up Level up medicine.
Card Mod Refines items from cards.

Final Fantasy VIII (FFVIII) Related Links

Playable Characters Enemies
Magic Ability GF Ability
Items Boss
Story Walkthrough Card Ability


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