List of GFs

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This page displays all Guardian Forces (GFs) present in the game Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (FF8, FFVIII), as well as their stats and how to obtain them. Click on any GF to see more information about them.

List of Junctionable GFs (Click to Skip Ahead)
Quezacotl Shiva Ifrit
Siren Brothers Diablos
Diablos Leviathan Pandemona
Cerberus Alexander Doomtrain
Bahamut Cactuar Tonberry
Eden - -
List of Non-Junctionable GFs (Click to Skip Ahead)
Boko Eden Moomba
Phoenix Odin Gilgamesh

All Regular GFs (Junctionable)


QuezacotlQuezacotl How to Obtain
Access the tutorial from your Study Panel in the 2nd Floor classroom of Balamb Garden.
Summon Effect
Inflicts Thunder damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Mag-J Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Quezacotl's Information and How to Obtain


ShivaShiva How to Obtain
Access the tutorial from your Study Panel in the 2nd Floor classroom of Balamb Garden.
Summon Effect
Inflicts Ice damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Spr-J Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Shiva's Information and How to Obtain


IfritIfrit How to Obtain
Defeat Ifrit, who is located in the innermost section of the Fire Cavern.
Summon Effect
Inflicts Fire damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Str-J Elem-Atk-J
Magic Draw
GF Item

▶GF Ifrit's Information and How to Obtain


SirenSiren How to Obtain
Drawn from Elvoret at the Dollet Communication Tower.
Summon Effect
Inflicts Silence and deals non-elemental damage to all enemies

Learned Abilities

Mag-J ST-Atk-J
ST-Def-J Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Siren's Information and How to Obtain


BrothersBrothers How to Obtain
Deafeat Minotaur and Sacred in between the Tomb of the Unknown King and the King’s coffin.
Summon Effect
Inflicts Earth damage to all enemies.(Has no effect on flying enemies.)

Learned Abilities

HP-J Magic
Draw GF
Item HP+20%

▶GF Brothers's Information and How to Obtain


DiablosDiablos How to Obtain
Use the Magical Lamp to summon Diablos, and subsequently defeat him.
Summon Effect
Inflicts fractional damage to all enemies equal to the enemy's max HP x Diablos Lvl(%).(Damage has a maximum value of 9,999.)

Learned Abilities

Mag-J Ability x3
Magic Draw
GF Item

▶GF Diablos's Information and How to Obtain


CarbuncleCarbuncle How to Obtain
Drawn from Iguions in Deling City.
Summon Effect
Casts Reflect on the party.

Learned Abilities

Vit-J Ability x3
Magic Draw
GF Item

▶GF Carbuncle's Information and How to Obtain


LeviathanLeviathan How to Obtain
Drawn from NORG in the Master Room (can be obtained later if missed here)
Summon Effect
Inflicts Water damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Spr-J Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Leviathan's Information and How to Obtain


PandemonaPandemona How to Obtain
Drawn from Fujin during battle with Fujin and Raijin at the Hotel Front (can be obtained later if missed here).
Summon Effect
Inflicts Wind damage to all enemies.(Has no effect on flying enemies.)

Learned Abilities

Str-J Elem-Atk-J
Elem-Def-J Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Pandemona's Information and How to Obtain


CerberusCerberus How to Obtain
Defeat Cerberus in the Galbadia Garden 1st floor hall during the Battle of the Gardens.
Summon Effect
Casts Double and Triple on the party.

Learned Abilities

Str-J Hit-J
Ability x3 Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Cerberus's Information and How to Obtain


AlexanderAlexander How to Obtain
Drawn from the second fight with Edea in Galbadia Garden
Summon Effect
Inflicts Holy damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Spr-J Elem-Def-Jx2
Ability x3 Magic
Draw GF

▶GF Alexander's Information and How to Obtain


DoomtrainDoomtrain How to Obtain
Use the Solomon Ring after acquiring six Remedy+'s, six Steel Pipes, and six Malboro Tentacles (the location he is obtained at is Solomon Ring)
Summon Effect
Inflicts Poison/ Petrifying/ Darkness/ Silence/ Berserk/ Sleep/ Slow/ Stop/ Confuse/ Vit 0/ Doom and deals Poison damage to all enemies.

Learned Abilities

Elem-Atk-J ST-Atk-J
Magic Draw
GF Item

▶GF Doomtrain's Information and How to Obtain


BahamutBahamut How to Obtain
Defeat two Ruby Dragons and Bahamut in the Deep Sea Research Center.
Summon Effect
Ignores the enemies' Spirit stat and deals non-elemental damage to all enemies

Learned Abilities

Ability x4 Magic
Draw GF
Item Str+60%

▶GF Bahamut's Information and How to Obtain


CactuarCactuar How to Obtain
Defeat the Jumbo Cactuar on Cactus Island.
Summon Effect
Ignores the enemies' Def stat and deals non-elemental damage to all enemies(The damage inflicted is equal to (Cactuar’s level +10) ÷ 11 rounded down and multiplied by 1000.)

Learned Abilities

Magic Draw
GF Item
HP Bonus Str Bonus
Vit Bonus Mag Bonus
Spr Bonus

▶GF Cactuar's Information and How to Obtain


TonberryTonberry How to Obtain
Defeat the Tonberry King who appears randomly after defeating 20 Tonberries in Centra Ruins.
Summon Effect
Inflicts non-elemental damage to a single enemy.

Learned Abilities

Magic Draw
GF Item
LV Down LV Up
Eva+30% Luck+50%

▶GF Tonberry's Information and How to Obtain


EdenEden How to Obtain
Drawn from Ultima Weapon in the Deep Sea Research Center after obtaining Bahamut.
Summon Effect
Ignores the enemies' Spirit stat and deals non-elemental damage to all enemies(Damage has no maximum value.)

Learned Abilities

Spd-J Eva-J
Hit-J Magic
Draw GF
Item Devour

▶GF Eden's Information and How to Obtain

Miscellaneous GFs (Non-Junctionable)

Miscellaneous GFs cannot be junctioned from the menu after obtaining them. In battle, they will appear when a specific condition is met, rather than summ


BokoBoko How to Obtain
Use the Chocobo Whistle and catch a Chocobo.
Summoning Sequence
Use Gysahl Greens during battle (if Boku is away in Chocobo World, it will be impossible to summon him).

Summon Effects

Summon Ability Effect
ChocoFire Inflicts Fire damage to all enemies.
ChocoFlare Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies.
ChocoMeteor Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies.
ChocoBocle Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies. The amount of damage has no upper limit.

GF Boko's Information and How to Obtain


MiniMogMiniMog How to Obtain
Meet with MiniMog in Chocobo World and use the Mog Amulet to teach the ability ability MiniMog to a GF.
Summoning Sequence
Use the MiniMog ability during battle. (if MiniMog is away in Chocobo World, it will be impossible to summon him).
Summon Effect
Revives and restores HP to all junctioned GFs.

GF MiniMog's Information and How to Obtain


Currently UnavailableMoomba How to Obtain
Summoned by using the Friendship item.
Summoning Sequence
Use Friendship during battle.
Summon Effect
Reduces a single target's HP to 1

GF Moomba's Information and How to Obtain


PhoenixPhoenix How to Obtain
Summoned by using a Phoenix Pinion in battle.
Summoning Sequence
1st Time: Use a Phoenix Pinion in battle.
2nd Time Onwards: Will appear randomly when your party have all been KO’d if you have a Phoenix Pinion (will cost 1 Phoenix Pinion)
Summon Effect
Inflicts Fire damage to all enemies. Also revives all KO'ed party members and restores 12.5% of their max HP.

GF Phoenix's Information and How to Obtain


OdinOdin How to Obtain
Defeat Odin
Summoning Sequence
Randomly summoned at the start of battle.
Summon Effect
Instant KOs enemies. Does not appear against Tonberries or Catuars or in boss battles.

GF Odin's Information and How to Obtain


GilgameshGilgamesh How to Obtain
Defeat Seifer for the fourth time after obtaining Odin OR acquire him after a fixed amount of time during the fourth battle with Seifer.
Summoning Sequence
Summoned randomly during battle.

Summon Effects

Summon Ability Effect
Zantetsuken Instant KOs enemies. Does not appear against Tonberries or Catuars.
Masamune Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Excalibur Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Excalipoor Deals 1 point of damage to all enemies regardless of defense

GF Gilgamesh's Information and How to Obtain

Related Links

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Story Walkthroughs Boss Battles
GFs Card List
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Beginner Tips and Guides Enemies


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