Suikoden 2

Hix and Tengaar Quest Walkthrough

Suikoden 2 - Hix and Tengaar Quest Walkthrough
This is a guide on getting Hix and Tengaar in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Read on to learn more about getting Hix and Tengaar in your party, as well as how to unlock their quest.

How to Unlock Hix and Tengaar Quest

Complete Story Events in Two River City

To recruit Hix and Tengaar, you must first complete the events in Two River City. Afterward, talk to them in the Lakewest Town Inn, located east of Two River City, and complete their side quest to have them officially join your party.

Two River City to Greenhill Forest

Hix and Tengaar Quest Walkthrough


Head to the Inn in Lakewest Town and talk to Hix and Tengaar. After speaking with them, they will leave for Kobold Village.
▶︎ Lakewest Town Guide

From Lakewest Town, travel southwest to reach Kobold Village. Upon arrival, follow them to the house at the northern end of the village, where a cutscene will play, showing that Tengaar has fallen ill. Hix will then join your party afterward.
▶︎ Kobold Village Guide

To cure Tengaar, the Village Chief will task you with getting the Blue Stone. Travel to South Window City by first returning to Lakewest Town, sailing to Headquarters, and then heading southeast. Enter the Item Store in South Window City to obtain the Blue Stone.

Bring the Blue Stone back to the Village Chief in Kobold Village. He will then task you with finding a Red Flower in the Cave of the Wind.

Sail back to Headquarters and travel south to the Cave of the Wind. Enter the cave and get the Red Flower.

Return to the Village Chief once again, and this time, he will send you to retrieve the Green Bell from Two River Sewers. From Kobold Village, head north to Two River City, then northwest to the Winger’s District. Enter the Two River Sewers through the northeast passage.

Once inside, follow the path south, descend the ladders, and continue heading south until you find the Green Bell. Be ready to fight enemies along the way!
▶︎ Two River Sewers Dungeon Guide

Make your way back to the Village Chief, who will give you one final task. You must travel to the Unicorn Forest (also known as Kobold Forest) and confront the unicorn to save Tengaar.

Head north to enter the Kobold Forest and continue forward until you reach the first fork in the path. Take the right path to find a chest containing a Collar. Be ready to fight enemies along the way!
▶︎ Kobold Forest Dungeon Guide

Return to the fork and take the left path until you reach another split. Make your way southwest to obtain another Collar from a chest, then follow the northern path to find one more Collar.

Proceed east into the next area. At the next fork, continue northeast to find another Collar in a chest, then head south to move forward.

Continue heading north until you come across a large tree where Tengaar and the Kobolds are gathered. After the cutscene, you will find yourself back in Kobold Village, where Hix and Tengaar will officially join your party.

Note that you can return to Kobold Forest to obtain the Guard Ring behind the large tree.

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