Suikoden 2

Advanced Tips

Suikoden 2 - Advanced Tips

This article contains a number of advanced tricks useful for players of Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Read on to find out about game secrets, easter eggs, hidden areas, and more!

List of Advanced Tips

Experience the Opening in Full Color

During the prologue, when cornered on the cliffs at the top of Tenzan Pass, refusing to jump with Jowy will cause a battle to break out against some Highland soldiers.

You can trigger this battle repeatedly by continually refusing to jump (be careful, as the dialog choices reverse position on the fourth choice). If you battle 108 times or more before finally choosing to jump off the cliff with Jowy, the opening sequence of the game will play out in full color.

Note that you cannot check how many battles you've done, so keep count manually.

Walkthrough Part 1: Prologue to Kyaro Town

Recruit the Hero of Suikoden 1

If you're continuing a game from Suikoden 1, you'll be able to recruit the Hero of that game and use them as a playable party member.

During Chapter 7, you will pay a visit to the Toran Republic. Returning to Banner Village allows you to temporarily recruit McDohl, the hero of Suikoden 1. You will need to journey through Banner Pass again and defeat the Poison Moth boss. However, after that quest, you may journey to Gregminster freely and visit McDohl in his home.

There, you can ask him to join your party, and he will oblige. Note that McDohl is not a Star of Destiny in Suikoden 2 and is not required to get any ending. Additionally, removing McDohl from your party after having him join sends him all the way back to Gregminster, and you will have to travel back there to have him join again.

Witness Special Conversations with Suikoden 1 Alumni

If you have a character who was present in Suikoden 1 in your party during your first meeting with McDohl, you'll see some special comments from that character. For example, if you bring Kasumi with you, you'll be able to read her thoughts about McDohl, as a treat for players who finished the first game.

How to Recruit the Hero of Suikoden 1

Find and Recruit Your First Flying Squirrel

One of the earliest optional characters you can recruit is the Flying Squirrel Mukumuku, and he can join your party as early as Chapter 1, when you first visit Kyaro Town.

Before entering the Hero's old home to meet Nanami, make your way behind the house to examine the large tree on the cliff's edge. Examine the tree three times, and Mukumuku will join your party.

Mukumuku is also required to recruit other Flying Squirrel characters.

Mukumuku can be a useful ally in the early battles, so we recommend getting him as soon as possible. If you do miss him, though, you can recruit him again later, after Chapter 5.

All Flying Squirrel Locations and How to Recruit

Easily Complete Clive's Quest

Clive's Quest is a secret quest that involves the character Clive. Under normal circumstances, the quest is very difficult to complete on a first playthrough, because its checkpoints require a very low game time. Players thus need to hurry and skip many key events to hit the checkpoints.

However, the Suikoden 2 HD Remaster adds a special function in the options menu allowing you to turn off the Event Timer. This removes the need to hit specific game times to trigger Clive's Quest cutscenes.

Clive's Quest Walkthrough

Watch Special Bathhouse Events

The Headquarters Bathhouse is a special place that allows you and your crew to relax and soak up some hot water. Entering the bath with specific party combinations can also trigger special scenes.

For example, try bringing Simone and Vincent along with an all-male party, or enter the bath with just Flik and Viktor.

Bath Scenes Guide

Sigfried Retreats to the Forest

Recruiting the legendary unicorn Sigfried requires you to bring a pure maiden to the Kobold Village Forest. There are many characters in Suikoden 2 who qualify for this dubious honor in the playable roster, but one who looks like she should, actually does not: Sierra.

Bring Sierra with you to try to recruit Sigfried to see some humorous comments that send the white unicorn packing back into the forest. Unfortunately, you'll have to come back after with a proper pure maiden to actually make sure Sigfried joins.

How to Recruit Sigfried and Stats

Reunite a Suikoden 1 Crew

If you've completed Suikoden 1, you'll have a chance to reunite a group of old Suikoden 1 veterans in Suikoden 2.

Before infiltrating Greenhill In Chapter 5, bring Flik and Viktor in your party when visiting the Inn in Lakewest Town to recruit Hix and Tengaar. You'll see a special scene where they celebrate their reunion.

Walkthrough Part 5: Two River City to Greenhill Forest

Nanami Makes An Attempt

After returning to the Mercenary Fortress from Kyaro Town in Chapter 2, you'll have a limited window in which you can try returning to North Sparrow Pass.

Put Nanami in your party when you revisit the State side of North Sparrow Pass, and you'll see her try to charm the guards the same way Rina did on your first visit.

Walkthrough Part 2: Ryube Village to Toto Village

Stallion Speeds Up the Game

Before you obtain the Fast Travel system in Suikoden, Stallion can help you progress the game faster. His Godspeed Rune allows you to move 2x faster in the overworld and guarantees escape attempts in battle when it is available.

How to Recruit Stallion and Stats

Viki's Teleport Failures

Viki is one of the most useful members of your army, but she's a bit clumsy. That means that sometimes she can fail when she teleports you. There is a random chance for this to happen.

In one very rare occurrence, Viki's teleport can fail and send you to a secret area full of treasure, including a rare Mole Suit, Gold Emblem, Pale Gate Rune, and Dragon Armor.

Fast Travel Guide: How to Teleport

Receive the Painting of Three People

After defeating the final boss and gaining control of the Hero once again, you can revisit Kyaro Town for a special treasure.

Return to the large tree behind Genkaku's house (the same place you can recruit Mukumuku) and examine it. You'll receive the rare item Painting of Three People.

This item can't actually be seen, but it is a reference to the game's best ending, which shows you a painting of three people (the Hero, Jowy, and Nanami) following the credits.

Endings Guide: All Branching Endings and Conditions

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