Suikoden 2

All Flying Squirrel Locations and How to Recruit

Suikoden 2 HD Remaster All Flying Squirrel Locations and How to Recruit

Flying Squirrels can be recruited in your party in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Check out the locations where you can find and recruit the Flying Squirrels, as well as the steps to recruit them!

Flying Squirrel Locations

Flying Squirrel Location
Mukumuku ▼ Examine the Tree in Kyaro Town
Greenhill to the Muse/Greenhill border
Makumaku ▼ Between Two River City and Greenhill
Mikumiku ▼ Between Greenhill and Forest Village
Mekumeku ▼ Between Greenhill and the Path to Matila
Mokumoku ▼ South of the Forest Village


Examine the Tree in Kyaro Town

Greenhill to the Muse/Greenhill border

Players can recruit Mukumuku by examining the large tree behind Genkaku's Dojo three times in Kyaro Town before meeting Nanami.

Alternatively, you can wander the path from Greenhill to the Muse/Greenhill border with an empty slot in your party if you missed recruiting Mukumuku back in Kyaro Town during Chapter 1.

How to Recruit Mukumuku and Stats


Between Two River City and Greenhill

Players must have Mukumuku recruited to make Makumaku join. Then, wander along the path between Two River City and Greenhill with an empty party slot and Makumaku will join your party.

How to Recruit Makumaku and Stats


Between Greenhill and Forest Village

Players must have Makumaku recruited to make Mikumiku join. Then, wander along the path between Greenhill and Forest Village with an empty party slot and Mikumiku will join your party.

How to Recruit Mikumiku and Stats


Between Greenhill and the Path to Matila

To recruit Mekumeku, players must have Mikumiku recruited. Wander along the path between Greenhill and the Forest Path to Matilda with an empty party slot and Mekumeku will appear in your party.

How to Recruit Mekumeku and Stats


South of the Forest Village

To recruit Mokumoku, players must have Mekumeku recruited. Wander along the south of Forest Village with an empty party slot and Mokumoku will appear in your party.

How to Recruit Mokumoku and Stats

How to Recruit Flying Squirrels

Recruit Them in Order

1 Mukumuku IconMukumuku
2 Makumaku
3 Mikumiku
4 Mekumeku
5 Mokumoku

The Flying Squirrels can only be recruited in order, starting from Mukumuku, followed by Makumaku, Mikumiku, Mekumeku, then lastly Mokumoku.

Go Solo to Recruit All the Flying Squirrels Faster

Go Alone

To recruit the Flying Squirrels, it’s best to venture out alone as going solo increases your chances of recruiting all five Flying Squirrels in one go, since the fewer party members you have, the more likely they are to join your party.

That said, if you’re worried about handling battles alone, you can bring along other party members. But in doing so means you’ll have to return to your castle each time before recruiting the next one, making the whole process a bit more tedious.

Walk Along Their Area to Recruit Them

Once you have confirmed which Flying Squirrel you're recruiting next based on the order above, go to its respective area and wait for it to join. Staying idle works or simply waiting in the area will work.

Walk Around a Bit if None are Joining

If it seems that none of the Flying Squirrels are joining your party, try walking around the area for a while to see if they'll join. Be careful, as you may encounter random enemies while exploring the overworld.

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