Suikoden 2

All 108 Stars of Destiny Guide

Suikoden II - All 108 Stars of Destiny Guide
The 108 Stars of Destiny is the designation of all members of the New State Army in Suikoden 2! Check out this guide to learn more about the 108 Stars of Destiny, where you can check them in-game, and what happens when you recruit all of them.

Character Guides
Recruitment Guide 108 Stars of Destiny

Who Are the 108 Stars of Destiny?

Members of the New State Army

Return to Great Hall

The 108 Stars of Destiny are the designation given to all the members of the New State Army in Suikoden 2. The army is divided into the 36 Stars of Heaven and the 72 Stars of Earth.

Each member you've recruited throughout your progress in the game has a unique star name branded to them. These stars serve only as a title, and carry no effect on your gameplay.

List of All Characters and Recruitment Guide

Stone Tablet of Promise

Stone Tablet of Promise in the Headquarters

You can search for the characters you've recruited thus far into the army in the Stone Tablet of Promise at the Headquarters. The list will slowly fill up every time you've recruited a character into the New State Army.

Castle Headquarters Map and Level Guide

List of All 108 Stars of Destiny

36 Stars of Heaven

Character Star Title
Hero Icon Hero Tenkai (Star Chief Star of Heaven)
Nanami Icon Nanami Tenju (Star of Longevity)
Tsai Icon Tsai Tenyu Star (Star of Heroic Ferocity)
Hanna Icon Hanna Tensatsu (Murderous Star)
Anita Icon Anita Tenkyu (Lewd Star)
Viktor Icon Viktor Tenko (Lone Star)
Flik Icon Flik Tenan (Dark Star)
Freed Yamamoto Icon Freed Yamamoto Tenbou (Savage Star)
Shu Icon Shu Tenki (Star of Wisdom)
Luc Icon Luc Tenkan (Star of Idleness)
Tai Ho Icon Tai Ho Tenhei (Leveled Star)
Yam Koo Icon Yam Koo Tenson (Broken Star)
Ridley Wizen Icon Ridley Wizen Tengou (Star of Conflagration)
Boris Wizen Tengou (Star of Conflagration)
Fitcher Icon Fitcher Tenritsu (Star of the Standing Spear)
Chaco Icon Chaco Tenkou (Clever Star)
Hix Icon Hix Tenrou (The Goal Star)
Tengaar Icon Tengaar Tensui (Star of Intelligence)
Yoshino Yamamoto Icon Yoshino Yamamoto Tenkoku (Wailing Star)
Stallion Icon Stallion Tensoku (Speedy Star)
Clive Icon Clive Tensyo (The Swift Star)
Teresa Wisemail Icon Teresa Wisemail Tenki Star (Lofty Star)
Nina Icon Nina Tenfu (Star of Wealth)
Humphrey Mintz Icon Humphrey Mintz Tenyu (Star of Bravery)
Kiba Windamier Icon Kiba Windamier Tenmou (Star of Swift Courage)
Valeria Icon Valeria Tensyo (Wounded Star)
Tomo Icon Tomo Chikyu (The Intelligent Star) or Tensyo (Wounded Star)
Feather Icon Feather Tenman (Star of Abundance) or Tentai (Retreating Star)
Sigfried Icon Sigfried Tenman (Star of Abundance) or Tentai (Retreating Star)
Sierra Mikain Icon Sierra Mikain Tenei (Heroic Star)
Hauser Icon Hauser Tenyu Star (Star of Heroic Ferocity)
Jess Icon Jess Tenku (Empty Star)
Georg Prime Icon Georg Prime Teni (Strange Star)
Killey Icon Killey Tenbi (Lowly Star)
Pesmerga Icon Pesmerga Teni (Star of Majesty)
Abizboah Tenman (Star of Abundance) or Tentai (Retreating Star)

The 36 Stars of Heaven in Suikoden 2 are organized according to the different Heavenly Stars associated with their characters.

The concept of Heavenly Stars derives from the Suikoden series' inspiration in the Chinese novel Water Margin. In Water Margin, 108 outlaws blessed by different stars, 36 of them known as the Heavenly Spirits, band together to rebel against the government and are drafted to stop a hostile invasion.

72 Stars of Earth

Character Star Title
Mukumuku Icon Mukumuku Chima (The Devil Star)
Rikimaru Icon Rikimaru Chian (The Strong Star)
Millie Icon Millie Chiku (The Empty Star)
Kinnison Icon Kinnison Chisin (The Forward Star)
Shiro Icon Shiro Chitai (The Retreating Star)
Zamza Icon Zamza Chisyu (The Complete Star)
Apple Icon Apple Chifuku (The Hiding Star)
Tuta Icon Tuta Chijyu (The Beast Star)
Gilbert Icon Gilbert Chisatsu (Violent Star)
Eilie Icon Eilie Tenzai (Star of Sin)
Rina Icon Rina Tenken (Dagger Star)
Bolgan Icon Bolgan Tenpai (The Vanquished Star)
Leona Icon Leona Chihi (The Flying Star)
Gengen Icon Gengen Chitan (The Short Star)
Barbara Icon Barbara Chison (The Wounded Star)
Huan Icon Huan Chirei (The Clever Star)
Oulan Icon Oulan Chiaku (The Fierce Star)
Taki Icon Taki Chizen (The Finished Star)
Hans Icon Hans Chiyu (The Helpful Star)
Tetsu Icon Tetsu Chiyu (The Brave Star)
Hai Yo Icon Hai Yo Chizou (The Hoarding Star)
Richmond Icon Richmond Chiyu (The Obscure Star)
Amada Icon Amada Chiman Star (The Full Star)
Alex Icon Alex Chisu (The Mathematic Star)
Hilda Icon Hilda Chiin (The Shadowy Star)
Adlai Icon Adlai Chisou (The Walking Star)
Emilia Icon Emilia Chisui (The Fulfilled Star)
Gabocha Icon Gabocha Chikaku (The Corner Star)
Sid Icon Sid Chido (The Serving Star)
Jeane Icon Jeane Chiketsu (Star of Noble Wisdom)
Shilo Icon Shilo Chisyu (The Ugly Star)
Yuzu Icon Yuzu Chisyu (The Prisoned Star)
Shin Icon Shin Chisatsu (The Searching Star)
Meg Icon Meg Chikei (The Halted Star)
Gadget Icon Gadget Chisyun (The Elegant Star)
Wakaba Icon Wakaba Chiyuu (The Heroic Star)
Tony Icon Tony Chitou (The Folding Star)
Viki Icon Viki Chitatsu (The Quick Star)
Futch Icon Futch Chibi (The Least Star)
Miklotov Icon Miklotov Chimou (The Ferocious Star)
Camus Icon Camus Chiki (The Strange Star)
Klaus Windamier Icon Klaus Windamier Chikai (Chief Star of Earth)
Kasumi Icon Kasumi Chikyu (The Intelligent Star)
Sheena Icon Sheena Chimei (The Clear Star)
Gordon Icon Gordon Chikou (The Dog Star)
Lorelai Icon Lorelai Chikatsu (The Eminent Star)
Sasuke Icon Sasuke Chikyou (The Star of Ambition)
Mondo Icon Mondo Chikou (The Wild Star)
Templeton Icon Templeton Chimou (The Rat Star)
Badeaux Icon Badeaux Chibaku (The Barbarous Star)
Ayda Icon Ayda Chisou (The Strong Star)
Connell Icon Connell Chisa (The Aiding Star)
Karen Icon Karen Chiin (The Hidden Star)
Maximillian Icon Maximillian Chii (The Majestic Star)
Raura Icon Raura Chikou (The Cunning Star)
Kahn Marley Icon Kahn Marley Chihei (The Smooth Star)
Tenkou Icon Tenkou Chiri (The Star of Justice)
Long Chan-Chan Icon Long Chan-Chan Chihi (The Orphan Star)
Gijimu Icon Gijimu Chikyou (The Star of Ambition)
Lo Wen Icon Lo Wen Chii Star (The Peculiar Star)
Koyu Icon Koyu Chisoku (The Star of Haste)
Marlowe Icon Marlowe Chiyou (The Magic Star)
Lebrante Icon Lebrante Chisei (The Guileless Star)
Simone Verdricci Icon Simone Verdricci Chikai (The Star of Gathering)
Hoi Icon Hoi Chizoku (The Thieving Star)
Gantetsu Icon Gantetsu Chiziku (The Axis Star)
Annallee Icon Annallee Chiraku (The Star of Music)
Bob Icon Bob Chikei (The Avenging Star)
Jude Icon Jude Chibun (The Learned Star)
Pico Icon Pico Chiretsu (The Inferior Star)
Alberto Icon Alberto Chiken (The Mighty Star)
Tessai Icon Tessai Chiko (The Lonely Star)
Genshu Icon Genshu Chiei (Star of Courage)
Vincent Icon Vincent Chichin (The Supressing Star)
Mazus Icon Mazus Chizen (The Silent Star)

The 72 Stars of Earth in Suikoden 2 correspond to different Earthly Stars associated with their characters.

In Water Margin, 72 of the 108 outlaws were known as the Earthly Warriors, and formed a large part of the group in their operations.

Recruiting All 108 Stars of Destiny

Requirement for the Golden Ending

You will need to recruit all 108 Stars of Destiny into the New State Army to unlock the Best Ending of the game. Additionally, you will have to ensure their survival until you've reached the pinnacle of the final battle in Suikoden 2.

Endings Guide: All Branching Endings

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