Pokemon Legends: Z-A

Battle System: Will Battles Be Turn Based?

Pokemon Legends Z-A - Battle System Will Battles Be Turn Based

Pokemon Legends: Z-A changes its battle system by introducing move cooldowns and attack ranges. Check out how new and different Legends Z-A's battle system is from previous Pokemon titles, as well as speculation on how combat will generally go.

Pokemon Legends Z-A Battle System Explained

Move Cooldowns Replace Action Order

Turn Order Not Present

Move summaries are shown instead of Action Order now.

Pokemon Legends Z-A's battle system is no longer turn based unlike previous Pokemon titles as confirmed on Pokemon Presents 2025. Action Orders are no longer present and have been replaced by move cooldowns.

This means that attacks are no longer tied to turns, making it closer to real-time combat instead of the usual turn-based gameplay the franchise is known for.

While nothing is confirmed, it is possible that a Pokemon's Speed stat can determine how quickly a move's cooldown can refresh.

Move Cooldowns Suggest the Absence of Move PP

Moves Mechanic

With move usage now being tied to cooldowns, this suggests that the usage of moves are no longer limited by its PP count.

Win Battles by Proper Placement and Move Usage

Dodging Attacks

Lucario properly using Protect from a Moonblast attack.

Moves in Pokemon Legends Z-A now have attack ranges and areas of effect. This is a big change from previous Pokemon games' combat as it allows players to physically dodge enemy attacks in order for avoid damage.

Placement then becomes an important factor in order to make use of defensive moves like Protect, since it will only take effect if the player's Pokemon gets hit by an incoming attack.

Strong and Agile Styles are No Longer Available

Strong and Agile Styles

With the absence of Action Orders in Pokemon Legends Z-A comes the removal of Legends Arceus' Strong and Agile Styles, as it is a mechanic that's directly related to turn-based combat.

Pokemon Legends Z-A Catch Mechanics

Sneak Up on Pokemon to Catch Them

Wild Pokemon Catching

A new and unique mechanic was previously introduced in Legends: Arceus, giving players an opportunity to catch Wild Pokemon without combat, and simply throwing a Poke Ball at them while they are unaware of your presence.

This adds a new way for players to enjoy the game, and even re-introduce mechanics, such as throwing consumables to distract Wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon Can Be Found in Wild Zones

Wild Zones

Wild Pokemon are located in towns, through areas called Wild Zones. Here, players can make use of structures and objects to hide from Wild Pokemon, instead of hiding in brushes and trees.

Lumiose City Region and Generation

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Pokemon Presents 2025 Feb. 27, 2025
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