Pokemon Legends: Z-A

Pokemon Legends Z-A Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

Latest News: What We Know So Far
Pokemon Z-A Release Date
┗ City & Region: Lumiose City in Kalos
All Confirmed Pokemon in the game so far!
Mega Evolution makes a comeback!

Pokemon Legends Z-A - All Confirmed Pokemon
This is a list of all the confirmed Pokemon shown in the reveal trailer of Pokemon Legends: Z-A for the Pokedex. Check out all the confirmed Pokemon on the trailer, as well as speculation on what other Pokemon may appear in Pokemon Legends Z-A's Pokedex!

All Confirmed Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Z-A Pokedex

All Pokemon Shown in Pokemon Legends: Z-A Release Trailer

Below are the Pokemon that were confirmed to appear in Pokemon Legends: Z-A based on the release trailer.

The evolutions and pre-evolutions of these confirmed Pokemon are also considered present in the game.

Dex #
Pokemon Type
23 Ekans ImageEkans Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
24 Arbok ImageArbok Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
25 Pikachu ImagePikachu Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
26 Raichu ImageRaichu Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
69 Bellsprout ImageBellsprout Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
70 Weepinbell ImageWeepinbell Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
71 Victreebel ImageVictreebel Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
95 Onix ImageOnix Pokemon Rock Type IconRock Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
120 Staryu ImageStaryu Pokemon Water Type IconWater
121 Starmie ImageStarmie Pokemon Water Type IconWater Pokemon Psychic Type IconPsychic
127 Pinsir ImagePinsir Pokemon Bug Type IconBug
129 Magikarp ImageMagikarp Pokemon Water Type IconWater
130 Gyarados ImageGyarados Pokemon Water Type IconWater Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
133 Eevee ImageEevee Pokemon Normal Type IconNormal
134 Vaporeon ImageVaporeon Pokemon Water Type IconWater
135 Jolteon ImageJolteon Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
136 Flareon ImageFlareon Pokemon Fire Type IconFire
147 Dratini ImageDratini Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon
148 Dragonair ImageDragonair Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon
149 Dragonite ImageDragonite Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
167 Spinarak ImageSpinarak Pokemon Bug Type IconBug Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
168 Ariados ImageAriados Pokemon Bug Type IconBug Pokemon Poison Type IconPoison
172 Pichu ImagePichu Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
196 Espeon ImageEspeon Pokemon Psychic Type IconPsychic
197 Umbreon ImageUmbreon Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
208 Steelix ImageSteelix Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
214 Heracross ImageHeracross Pokemon Bug Type IconBug Pokemon Fighting Type IconFighting
359 Absol ImageAbsol Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
417 Pachirisu ImagePachirisu Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric
449 Hippopotas ImageHippopotas Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
450 Hippowdon ImageHippowdon Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
470 Leafeon ImageLeafeon Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass
471 Glaceon ImageGlaceon Pokemon Ice Type IconIce
551 Sandile ImageSandile Pokemon Ground Type IconGround Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
552 Krokorok ImageKrokorok Pokemon Ground Type IconGround Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
553 Krookodile ImageKrookodile Pokemon Ground Type IconGround Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
587 Emolga ImageEmolga Pokemon Electric Type IconElectric Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
661 Fletchling ImageFletchling Pokemon Normal Type IconNormal Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
662 Fletchinder ImageFletchinder Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
663 Talonflame ImageTalonflame Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
667 Litleo ImageLitleo Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Normal Type IconNormal
668 Pyroar ImagePyroar Pokemon Fire Type IconFire Pokemon Normal Type IconNormal
669 Flabebe ImageFlabebe Pokemon Fairy Type IconFairy
670 Floette ImageFloette Pokemon Fairy Type IconFairy
671 Florges ImageFlorges Pokemon Fairy Type IconFairy
672 Skiddo ImageSkiddo Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass
673 Gogoat ImageGogoat Pokemon Grass Type IconGrass
674 Pancham ImagePancham Pokemon Fighting Type IconFighting
675 Pangoro ImagePangoro Pokemon Fighting Type IconFighting Pokemon Dark Type IconDark
676 Furfrou ImageFurfrou Pokemon Normal Type IconNormal
677 Espurr ImageEspurr Pokemon Psychic Type IconPsychic
678 Meowstic (Male) ImageMeowstic (Male) Pokemon Psychic Type IconPsychic
678.1 Meowstic (Female) ImageMeowstic (Female) Pokemon Psychic Type IconPsychic
679 Honedge ImageHonedge Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Ghost Type IconGhost
680 Doublade ImageDoublade Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Ghost Type IconGhost
681 Aegislash (Shield Forme) ImageAegislash (Shield Forme) Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Ghost Type IconGhost
681.1 Aegislash (Blade Forme) ImageAegislash (Blade Forme) Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Ghost Type IconGhost
700 Sylveon ImageSylveon Pokemon Fairy Type IconFairy
701 Hawlucha ImageHawlucha Pokemon Fighting Type IconFighting Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying
707 Klefki ImageKlefki Pokemon Steel Type IconSteel Pokemon Fairy Type IconFairy
714 Noibat ImageNoibat Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon
715 Noivern ImageNoivern Pokemon Flying Type IconFlying Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon
718 Zygarde (50% Forme) ImageZygarde (50% Forme) Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
718.1 Zygarde (10% Forme) ImageZygarde (10% Forme) Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon Pokemon Ground Type IconGround
718.2 Zygarde (Complete Forme) ImageZygarde (Complete Forme) Pokemon Dragon Type IconDragon Pokemon Ground Type IconGround

All of the Pokemon in the table above were either spotted in the Pokemon Legends Z-A Reveal Trailer or inferred based on being of the same evolutionary line.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A Reveal Trailer

Zygarde is Likely the Central Pokemon

Pokemon Legends Z-A

Although not shown in the trailer, It's very likely that Zygarde is the central Pokemon featured in the game due to the logo prominently featuring a Z with a similar pattern to Zygarde's Cells.

Is Zygarde in Pokemon Legends: Z-A?

Mega Evolutions Return!

Pokemon Legends Z-A - Mega Evolution

At the end of the reveal trailer, the iconic symbol for Mega Evolution popped up. This could likely tease that Mega Evolution will not only be present in the game, but will have a major role in the game!

Pokemon Legends: Z-A is likely to feature all new Mega Evolutions for returning fan favorites and starters!

New Mega Evolution Pokemon in Legends Z-A

Unclear or Unconfirmed Pokemon

Gen 6 Pokemon Likely Confirmed

Since Pokemon Legends: Z-A takes place in Lumiose City in the Kalos Region, it's likely that all Gen 6 Pokemon will also appear in the game. We'll keep you up-to-date as more information gets released!

Lumiose City Region and Generation

Other Pokemon Seen in the Trailer

Certain Pokemon were only shown for a short time or appeared at a distance, making it challenging to identify them. Here, we offer our speculations regarding the identities of these Pokemon.

Cacturne, Lilligant, or Bayleaf?

A Grass Type Pokemon that looks like a cactus standing beside the trainer along with Onix.


A red glowing Pokemon found on the side of the building.


A Pokemon with a pink aura found near the end of the video.

Barboach, Remoraid or Arrokuda?

A fish Pokemon found swimming under the bridge along with Staryu.

All Pokemon Guides

Pokemon Articles

List of Articles
Is Zygarde in Pokemon Legends: Z-A? Starter Pokemon Speculations

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6

Pokemon Legends: Z-A Related Guides

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72 Anonymous10 months

== 『Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A』【感想】 == 内定ポケモン(36)

71 Anonymous10 months

== 『Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A』【感想】 == 内定ポケモン(35)


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