Lethal Company

Baboon Hawk Guide and Counter

The Baboon Hawk is a monster in Lethal Company. See if you can kill the Baboon Hawk and its counter, behavior, and location in this guide!

Baboon Hawk Overview

Baboon Hawk Basic Information

Monster Information
Lethal Company - Baboon Hawk Baboon Hawk
Type Outdoor Monster (Daytime)
Scientific Name Papio-volturius
Danger Level 75 (Nonhostile)
Attack Type Hits

Other Information

Shovel HP 6 Hits
Shotgun HP 2
Shock Response Vulnerable

Baboon Hawk Bestiary Entry

Baboon Hawks are a primate of the family Cercopithecidae. They are hunchbacked but can stand up to 8 feet on average. Their heads are boney, with bird-like beaks and long horns, which they use like skewers to gore and feed on prey. Their horns are made of keratin instead of bone like the rest of their skulls, and they do not contain nerves or blood vessels. As a result Baboon Hawks can often break their horns from the force they apply, then fully regrow them within the game season. Baboon Hawks partly owe their name to their large wings, which could never carry their large body mass and are used instead for intimidation and protection from the elements.

The largest Baboon Hawk troop ever observed was made up of 18 Baboon Hawks. They are loosely territorial, and much of their behavior is motivated by intimidation and display. They can become collectors, using any flashy or colorful object to mark their territory. As lone scouts, Baboon Hawks are generally timid and will not attack unless provoked. In greater numbers they can become a great danger; sticking close to others and making yourself seem dangerous are the best ways to prevent an attack. They prefer smaller mammals, but when desperate they are known to use their numbers to attack animals even twice their size, such as Eyeless Dogs.

Baboon Hawk Location

Outdoors During the Daytime

Lethal Company - Baboon Hawk Location

The Baboon Hawk is a monster that can spawn Outdoors. Do note that the Baboon Hawk can be encountered in all of the moons that can be explored in Lethal Company.

List of All Moons

Can You Kill the Baboon Hawk?

You Can Kill the Baboon Hawk

The Baboon Hawk can be killed with a shovel in 6 Hits. Do note that the Baboon Hawk can kill you in Hits, so keep this in mind when you are planning to kill it!

How to Counter the Baboon Hawk

  1. Travel as a Group
  2. Do Not Chase Baboon Hawks

Travel as a Group

It is recommended to travel as a group to lessen the chances of being attacked by Baboon Hawks.

While a single Baboon Hawk can be dealt with by an experienced player, a group of Baboon Hawks can quickly become threatening.

Do Not Chase Baboon Hawks

When chased, Baboon Hawks will attack players. We recommend leaving Baboon Hawks alone to avoid unnecessary fights.

Baboon Hawk Behavior

Roams Outdoors at Daytime

Baboon Hawks can be found roaming outdoors by itself or in a group. Known to rely on numbers, Baboon Hawks will initiate an attack to an outnumbered player.

Otherwise, Baboon Hawks will only attack when cornered.

Baboon Hawk Drops

All Baboon Hawk Item Drops

This monster does not drop any items.

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Monsters by Type

Monster Types
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