Lethal Company

Spore Lizard Guide and Counter

The Spore Lizard (Puffer) is a monster in Lethal Company. See if you can kill the Spore Lizard and its counter, behavior, and location in this guide!

Spore Lizard Overview

Spore Lizard (Puffer) Basic Information

Monster Information
Lethal Company - Spore Lizard (Puffer) Spore Lizard (Puffer)
Type Indoor Monster
Scientific Name Lacerta-glomerorum
Danger Level 5 (Nonhostile)
Attack Type No Damage

Other Information

Shovel HP 3 Hits
Shotgun HP Resistant
Shock Response Vulnerable

Spore Lizard (Puffer) Bestiary Entry

Colloquially named puffers or spore lizards, Lacerta-glomerorum (of the family Alligatoridae) is one of the largest and heaviest reptiles. Despite their large mouths, they are herbivores and do not have a strong bite. The bulbs on their tails are believed to secrete a chemical which attracts and accelerates the growth of the fungus species Lycoperdon perlatum, which it can then shake to release spores as a defense mechanism--a unique example of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship.

Spore lizards have a very timid temperment, tending to avoid all confrontation if possible. If their attempts at threat display are not effective, they may attempt to attack, so it is not recommended to corner or chase one. There are historical records that spore lizards were at least partially domesticated hundreds of years ago, however this effort was set aside by an initiative to harvest their tails for their medicinal properties.

Spore Lizard (Puffer) Location

Inside Facilities

Lethal Company - Spore Lizard (Puffer) Location

The Spore Lizard (Puffer) is a monster that can spawn Indoors. Do note that the Spore Lizard (Puffer) can be encountered in all of the moons that can be explored in Lethal Company.

List of All Moons

Can You Kill the Spore Lizard (Puffer)?

You Can Kill the Spore Lizard

The Spore Lizard can be killed with a shovel in 3 Hits. Since the Spore Lizard does not deal any damage, players should just ignore them.

How to Counter the Spore Lizard (Puffer)

Do Not Chase Spore Lizards

A Spore Lizard will only attack a player if a player chases or stays too close to one. Otherwise, Spore Lizards can safely be ignored.

Spore Lizard (Puffer) Behavior

Docile Facility Inhabitant

Spore Lizards, despite their terrifying appearance, are relatively harmless monsters that roam Facilities.

Once threatened by proximity, Spore Lizards release pink smoke that obscure vision, but do not injure players. If threatened further, Spore Lizards will attempt to bite players.

Spore Lizard (Puffer) Drops

All Spore Lizard (Puffer) Item Drops

This monster does not drop any items.

Lethal Company Related Guides

Lethal Company - Bestiary (Monsters) Slim Banner

All Monsters Guide

Monsters by Type

Monster Types
Outdoor Indoor

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