Lethal Company

Bracken Guide and Counter

The Bracken (Flower Man) is a monster in Lethal Company. See if you can kill the Bracken and its counter, behavior, and location in this guide!

Bracken Overview

Bracken (Flower Man) Basic Information

Monster Information
Lethal Company - Bracken (Flower Man) Bracken (Flower Man)
Type Indoor Monster
Scientific Name Rapax-folium
Danger Level Unknown (Hostile)
Attack Type Instant Kill

Other Information

Shovel HP 5 Hits
Shotgun HP 1-2
Shock Response Vulnerable

Bracken (Flower Man) Bestiary Entry

There is debate on the genus to which the Bracken belongs. It is a bipedal vertebrate with skin the color and texture of a red beat. The name was coined for what appear to be leaves protruding from its upper spine. The purpose of these is believed to be for intimidation, however not much is known about the specifics of bracken behaviour due to its illusiveness and low population.

We know a little from accounts by wildlife experts who have encountered it. is a lone hunter with high intelligence. Its behavior can seem aloof; it exhibits high aggression even when unprovoked, yet it quickly backs off when confronted. However, brackens are known to up their hostility when cornered or simply watched for a long time. For this reason it is recommended to keep an eye on it but not to stare it down. No specimens have been collected dead or alive. It is theorized that upon death their bodies undergo a rapid decomposition process which is unique from other large animals.

Bracken (Flower Man) Location

Inside Facilities

Lethal Company - Bracken (Flower Man) Location

The Bracken (Flower Man) is a monster that can spawn Indoors. Do note that the Bracken (Flower Man) can be encountered in all of the moons that can be explored in Lethal Company.

List of All Moons

Does Not Spawn in Bracken Rooms

Brackens are believed to spawn with the rooms that look like the Back Rooms found in Facilities. However, this is not true, as monsters have been observed to spawn from vents.

A Bracken Room is a random room in the facility where the Bracken takes the bodies of players it kills.
Bracken Behavior ▼

Can You Kill the Bracken (Flower Man)?

You Can Kill the Bracken

The Bracken can be killed with a shovel in 5 Hits. While the Bracken is killable, its attack is an instant kill. With this, beginners should avoid them if possible!

How to Counter the Bracken (Flower Man)

  1. Look Behind You
  2. Coordinate With Other Players

Look Behind You

Lethal Company - Look Behind You

We recommend looking at a Bracken for around 2 seconds to make it go away. Longer than that, and a Bracken may decide to chase and kill you.

Coordinate With Other Players

Exploring facilities with another player as a pair massively increases your survival against Brackens. If a Bracken has been spotted, watch each others backs.

Additionally, players on the Terminal can notify Employees inside the facility to look behind them once a monster is seen approaching them from behind.

Bracken (Flower Man) Behavior

Stalks Players From Behind Endlessly

A Bracken constantly stalks a player from behind. If a Bracken has spawned, watch out for shiny eyes and watch your back to avoid getting killed.

Even though Brackens are shy, Brackens only leave their target temporarily. Brackens will only switch targets if their current target has died or left the Facility.

Takes Player Bodies Away

Brackens have a favorite room in a Facility where it brings the bodies of killed players to.

If you find the Bracken Room, you have a chance to return the bodies of other players back to the ship. Otherwise, you can just use a Teleporter.

Bracken (Flower Man) Drops

All Bracken (Flower Man) Item Drops

This monster does not drop any items.

Lethal Company Related Guides

Lethal Company - Bestiary (Monsters) Slim Banner

All Monsters Guide

Monsters by Type

Monster Types
Outdoor Indoor

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

You can also kill the bracken with a rocket launcher with the mod AdvancedCompany. It turns into a "bracken sample", which is pretty funny ngl


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