Lethal Company

List of All Weather

Lethal Company - List of All Weather

Moons can have weather effects that present obstacles to your explorations in Lethal Company. See all the different weather conditions, the challenges they bring, and how to check them in this guide!

List of All Weather

All Weather Conditions in Lethal Company

Weather Description Challenge
Rainy Rainy weather can create pools of quicksand that may suffocate players if they get caught. It is possible to get out of it by sprinting; otherwise, if you're too slow, you will eventually get sucked into it and die. Quicksand
Stormy Stormy Weather will send out lightning strikes that can randomly hit any player. The chances of getting struck are increased when carrying scraps, especially when carrying metallic objects. Lightning Strikes
Causes Metallic Scraps to Spark
Foggy Foggy Weather will drastically lower everyone's vision, except for Forest Keepers. With this, Forest Keepers have an increased chance of successfully killing players and releasing Stinkclouds that can affect players' stamina and health. Light Fog
Heavy Fog
Flood Floods will always start with puddles that gradually increase over time until the entire area is submerged. Players will have fewer areas to walk on, and if caught in these floods, they will have a higher chance of drowning. Flood
Eclipsed Eclipsed weather mostly affects the spawn rate of Outside Monsters. If a certain moon has this condition, all outside monsters will immediately spawn, making it harder for players to reach facilities. Immediate Creature Spawn (Outside)

Weather Conditions present varying effects and difficulty. Take the environmental challenges into account and adjust your work day strategies around them.

How to Check Weather Conditions

Go to the Ship's Terminal

Lethal Company - How to Check Weather

The Ship's Terminal will always display the Weather Condition that Moons have. Make sure to check the Terminal each work day, as weather conditions also change daily.

Ship Terminal Guide

Weather Effects on Moons

Spawns Dangerous Obstacles

It is recommended to be familiar with the Moons, as Weather Conditions affect how safe it is to travel from the Ship to either the Main Entrance or Fire Exit.

For example, Rainy Moons cause quicksand to appear outdoors, which can be fatal to employees with low stamina or heavy inventories.

Increases Hazard Levels

Lethal Company - Checking Hazard Levels

Weather conditions not only present environmental obstacles, but also increase the difficulty rating a Moon has.

For example, when Experimentation is Eclipsed, its difficulty will increase from B to S+.

List of all Moons

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